Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Vegan vs. Latex Condoms – Which is better?

There are many different types of condoms available in the market, and some people have made it a point to integrate their lifestyle to sexual protections. The vegan lifestyle means that you don’t eat or use anything that contains some sort of animal by product, as much as possible stick with natural and plant based items and make sure that the item you’re using is animal cruelty free.

It’s a little known fact that latex condoms, which are the most common condoms available in the market, actually contain a milk protein, which makes is non-vegan friendly. Luckily, there is a brand of condoms that found a way to take that milk protein out of the mix and made it possible for vegans to enjoy safe sex without having to worry about their condom. Vegan condoms are now available in special stores and online. But what’s the difference? Here is a short comparison on vegan friendly condoms to latex condoms.
Vegan vs. Latex Condoms

Average. Vegan friendly condoms cost more or less the same compared to latex condoms. However, this does depend on the brand and the type. Special vegan friendly condom may cost more than the regular ones.


Really easy to locate and purchase online, but you can only get them at selected or special stores. Some drugstores do sell “vegan” condoms from known condom producers, but the vegan society does not recognize it as 100% vegan friendly. Real vegan friendly condoms have a sign or a mark of approval by the vegan society on the packaging.

During sex

Vegan condoms more or less have the same feel, thickness and durability as latex condoms, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t use it like one. You can use vegan friendly condoms for vaginal, anal and oral sex. Using lubricant is also advisable to make it more comfortable and feel more sensation. Water-based lubricants work better compared to oil-based ones.


The fact that condoms are actually not vegan has shocked a lot of people. Many vegans have struggled to look for an alternative since it’s against their beliefs to use regular condoms. But since vegan friendly condoms became available in the market, they don’t have to worry about protecting themselves without having to use an item that has an animal by-product in it. Before purchasing your vegan friendly condoms, make sure that it’s approved by the vegan community. Check their website for a list of brands that have their seal of approval.

Friday, December 21, 2012

South Africa: MEC Dhlomo's Call to Distribute Condoms in Churches

The IFPKZN caucus is horrified to hear of MEC Dhlomo's utterances on the distribution of condoms in churches.

We believe that the Church should be a place of fellowship, worship and prayer and should not be relegated to a house of promiscuity. The MEC has gone too far - he really fell off the moral radar. This is a total abomination and is deplorable.

Source: Here

Santa Distributing Clean Needles, Female Condoms in the Bronx

One of the ways that New York State is considering streamlining its Medicaid costs is by expanding needle-exchange centers to help drug users prevent getting HIV and hepatitis C, which are expensive to treat. But that may take federal funds, and Congress reinstated a ban on such funds last year, only two years after lifting it. That was despite a landmark 1997 report to Congress finding that needle-exchanges were an effective component in HIV prevention.
Meanwhile, 21 such sites exist in New York State, thanks to state, local and private funding. One of them is mine, Citiwide Harm Reduction in the South Bronx. Serving primarily homeless or unstably housed drug users, we've played a major role in bringing HIV rates in our area among drug users from 54 percent in 1995, the year we were founded, to four percent today. But we don't just provide clean needles. Here, you'll find everything from an all-day, every-day safe space with three hot meals, laundry and showers to testing and counseling services, on-site primary health care and a pharmacy, linkage to permanent housing and drug treatment and even a Friday-night drum circle where we all unwind.

Source: Here

Cassidy Promotes Safe Sex In The Worst Way Imaginable On “Condom Style” (Listen & Download)

I'm guessing Cassidy heard about 2 Chainz' plans on dropping a remix to "Gangnam Style" and figured he'd be the first rapper to remake the one song in the world that really shouldn't be touched by any Hip-Hop artist. On his remake of the song, questionably titled "Condom Style," Cassidy kicks the song off with a PSA before the beat for "Gangnam Style" kicks in and things get real awkward real quick.

Throughout the song Cass touches on the various instances in which he met women who obviously weren't down with condom style. On one hand it seems like you kind of have to give Cassidy his props for rapping about safe sex, but on the second hand the song is so bad that it almost negates the positive message. Also, "her a** was fat as Oprah's" might just go down as one of the most cringe-worthy lines in Hip-Hop.

And with the release of "Condom Style" it looks like the possibilities of a rap battle between Meek Mill and Cassidy have vanished into thin air.

Source: Here

Monday, December 17, 2012

4 Tips to Help Enjoy Sex More when you’re married

Couples who’ve been together for a few years may notice drastic changes happening the longer they stay together. It’s common to hear old couples say that their sex life isn’t as exciting as it was before. They become bored with the same routine and look for something else. Sometime, they just totally skip the sex and just go to sleep.
But just because you’ve been together for some time now doesn’t mean that your sex life has to become boring. Here are a few ways to help spark some heat between you and your partner.

1. Use a different type of condom

If you’re using condoms as a contraceptive, then try different brands, flavors, textures and even materials. Different condoms offer different sensations, so pick and choose from the hundreds available in the market. A popular condom is the organic condom, which is made from natural sheep intestine. This condom moves together with the skin so it feels like you’re not wearing anything at all.

2. Talk about your fantasies

You might be surprised at what your partner’s fantasizes about when it comes to sex. They might want you to do role playing, hand cuff them to the bed, dress up and just enjoy. Taking sex too seriously takes out all the excitement in it, so just ride along with your partner’s dream and try it out some time.

3. Surprise each other

Let your partner know you’re thinking about her and that you’re excited to come home later, show up at her work place, set a surprise date, just do something that they’re not expecting. Between work and your kids, you most likely don’t have time to spend together with your partner. A nice surprise will help you catch up on your romance and have a wonderful night together.

4. Try a different position

The missionary gets boring at times, so try something different. Use your hands, mouth, fingers and explore your partner’s body. Aside from positions, you can also incorporate sex toys during your intimate moments. Play sex games and get creative with your partner. Just be careful when you’re twisting and bending to minimize strains.

Enjoy spending these cherished moments with your partner and always remember to keep it safe. Use contraceptives like pills and organic condoms if you’re not planning to have any more kids and don’t forget to just have fun.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Satisfying, safe sex

THE Senate has voted to retain the phrases “safe and satisfying sex” and “pleasurable sex” in Senate Bill No. 2865, its version of the reproductive health (RH) bill.

But how would our lawmakers make sex safe?

Would they require putting handrails around the bed or perhaps airbags?

Or maybe move the bed away from the wall so the couple won’t bang their heads?

Source: Here

Safe sex

With alarming teen pregnancy statistics in Lenoir County peeking above the state average, Lenoir County Schools administrators decided a safer-sex approach was needed.
safe sex
In 2011, the teen pregnancy rate in the county was 56.7 percent for girls between 15 and 19, compared to a 43.8 percent state average.

Source: Here

Gates Foundation Funds Development of High Tech Condoms

*Editors Note: This is the just latest of many projects that the Gates Foundation has taken on in the realm of “population control”*
Bill Gates
Last Wednesday, researchers from the University of Washington published a paper in PLoS One detailing the design of an innovative condom that uses “electrospinning” to craft the next generation of contraception using customized nano-fibers.

Source: Here

TCNJ student delivers condoms in 5 minutes or less on campus with 'CondAm' startup

EWING ­­— When sign-toting evangelicals staked out The College of New Jersey’s quad this fall, preaching the evils of premarital sex, sophomore Kyle McCabe and his friends donned Batman suits and staged a counterprotest.
The story caused a minor stir on the internet and turned McCabe into something of a campus celebrity.

Source: Here

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Young Teens and Sex – What’s Going On?

PEOPLE Magazine and NBC News recently conducted a survey in New York about young teens and their intimate sex practices and attitudes. This survey resulted in shocking revelations, such as 13-year-old teens revealing what they know about sex and if they have been doing it. The poll was conducted by the Princeton Survey Research Associates International and asked teens 13 to 16 years of age questions about relationships, on sex, sexual behavior ,STDs and safe sex, casual sex partners or “friends with benefits,” and oral sex.
Young Teens and Sex
With these things in mind, it’s no surprise why many parents are now worried about their children and how teens are becoming sexually active even at a young age. Here are some more surprising and enlightening findings about young teens and sex.

How sexually active are they?

In the survey, about 27% (3 out of 10) of teens have tried having sex or are currently sexually active. Most sexual activities these younger teens have done are touching someone else’s genitals, oral sex and vaginal sex. Teens 15 to 16 years old are however, more commonly active compared to 13 to 14 year olds. Peer pressure is also one of the biggest factors of teens becoming sexually active. Many of their friends would say that they have tried having sex so they’d feel insecure or different.

Most young teens actually prefer to wait

The study, however, also shows that the vast majority of young teens would still rather wait to have sex and have not experienced or done any type of sexual behavior. 74% of these teens say that they made the decision of abstaining from sex themselves, while others are afraid of the consequences such as their parent’s reaction, STDs and pregnancy. Other reasons would include not meeting the right partner, lack of opportunities, and religious or moral beliefs.

What now?

Although sex is still a taboo topic, it’s still the responsibility of parents to talk to their kids about sexual health and safe sex. Media and classes about sexual health help, but they may still not be enough to help kids understand what sex is all about and how to best protect themselves when engaging in the act. The alarming rate of sexual activity and pregnancy amongst younger teens should be addressed, starting at home. Parents may not expect their 13 year old to know about sex, let alone be sexually active, but we can never tell in this time and age. Proper guidance is crucial to keep them safe and still enjoy their teen years.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sherlyn Chopra advocates safe sex on World AIDS Day

India’s erotica icon Sherlyn Chopra rocked radio listeners across seven cities of the country with her sex gyan on World’s AIDS Day this week. Speaking exclusively to OYE 104.8 FM she advocated safe sex for the nation, saying “the world needs to mature, even as it grows wild.”
sherlyn chopra
In a two-hour-long exclusive programme with renowned RJ Alok, the sex kitten used intellectual anecdotes and heart-warming shayeris to convey her noble message with her characteristic wicked wit to radio listeners across Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Amritsar, Jodhpur, Patiala and Shimla.

Source: Here

Casual relationship couples likelier to practice safe sex

“Friends with benefits” relationships do have one advantage, as a new study found that no strings couples are more likely to practice safe sex than those in traditional partnerships. An online survey of 376 people, mostly in their mid-20s, revealed at least half the respondents had some
experience of a relationship that could be described as “friends with benefits.”
Both said they had known their partner an average of four years, but those in friends with benefits relationships were more likely to use condoms during oral and vaginal sex compared to those in traditional partnerships.

Source: Here

Eko 2012: 56,000 condoms shared

In 2004, the IOC signed a memorandum of understanding with the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) in Lausanne,Switzerland, agreeing to use its leverage to help combat the dreaded AIDS/HIV.

As part of its commitment to fighting the dreaded disease, the IOC distributes hundreds of thousands of condoms to athletes at the Olympic Games.

Source: Here

Nigeria: Eko 2012 - 56,000 Condoms Shared

In 2004, the IOC signed a memorandum of understanding with the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) in Lausanne,Switzerland, agreeing to use its leverage to help combat the dreaded AIDS/HIV.

As part of its commitment to fighting the dreaded disease, the IOC distributes hundreds of thousands of condoms to athletes at the Olympic Games.

Source: Here

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

When to Talk to your Teen about Sex?

Parents find this as one of the most difficult things to do, mainly because they find it awkward to talk to their kids about the birds and the bees. In fact, some parents just let this go and let their kids figure it out themselves. However, teens should not be left alone when it comes to the topic. They need proper guidance to make sure they stay safe and make decisions that they won’t regret in the future. 

But when is the right time to talk to them about sex and safe sex? After all, you’d want them to understand what you’re trying to explain to them and take it seriously and maturely. Here are some signs that you can check on.

It’s a fact that some teens mature earlier than others. There are a few teenagers who are still at their early teens who act more like they’re already 18 and some, even if they are about to graduate from high school, still act like they’re kids. Try to gauge your teen’s maturity and judge them by how they take and act in certain situations. 

When they open up

It’s easier for parents to talk to their kids about sex if they open up the topic themselves. Some teens actually would rather talk to their parents about sex then to talk to the school nurse or guidance counselor about it. If they would ever open up the topic, then welcome them with open arms and try to answer all their questions. 

If you know that they’re active or aware of it 

There are some parents that would find out about their teen’s sex life. Most of the time because they over hear them talking to their friends about it or they find contraceptives like condoms and pills in their room. Don’t pass judgment on them if you find out that they’re sexually active. Keep in mind that you’re there to guide them and keep them safe and not to ridicule them. 

When they drop hints

Some teens find it difficult to open up to their parents about sex, so they drop hints and ask simple questions that are related to relationships, safe sex and sex in general. Try to read between the lines and understand where your teen is leading the conversation. 

If you’ve ever experienced you kid ask you where babies come from, then this is more or less the same idea, only the topic is about sex. Teens are naturally curious since they’re at the point of their lives that everything changes and that they are already getting ready to step into the adult world.