Thursday, February 28, 2013

Players gamble with condoms, play sex-themed games at Condom Casino Tour

The two stacks of chips were about equally as high.

Macomb junior Blake Ryan and South Lyon freshman Derek Sawle were in a dead heat halfway through their game of Texas Cond’em.

Condoms were used as currency to gamble with. Ryan said he was an aggressive poker player, and that fact didn’t change now that he was playing for condoms.

Source: Here

Condoms, a $12,000 Vacation, and Other Ludicrous Gifts in 9-year-old Quvenzhané Wallis’ Oscar Swag Bag

People get into acting for all sorts of reasons. Because they relish exploring the complexities of the human spirit; because they majored in Art History and are otherwise unemployable; because they lubba-lubba-love gift bags. Mostly it's the gift bags.
Condoms, a $12,000 Vacation, and Other Ludicrous Gifts in 9-year-old Quvenzhané Wallis’ Oscar Swag Bag
This Sunday night, after the lights have dimmed on the 85th Academy Awards and Oscar has crawled back into this trashcan for another year, many of America's most famous actors will get to pursue their passion for gift bags with $45,000 "Everyone Wins at the Oscars Nominee Gift Bags," provided by Distinctive Assets, a Los Angeles marketing firm.

Source: Here

An African Pope Won't Change the Vatican's Views on Condoms and AIDS

Since Pope Benedict XVI did what had previously been unthinkable and almost unprecedented on February 11—submitting his resignation with what amounted to little more than a two-week notice—there has been speculation that the Catholic Church could see a non-European pope. "It's highly possible," New York City's Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan told the New York Times last week.

An African Pope Won't Change the Vatican's Views on Condoms and AIDS
Much of the initial focus was on Latin America because the region "represents 42 percent of the world's 1.2 billion-strong Catholic population, the largest single block in the Church," as Reuters reported on the day of Benedict's announcement. "Two senior Vatican officials recently dropped surprisingly clear hints about possible successors. The upshot of their remarks is that the next pope could well be from Latin America."

Source: Here

Monday, February 25, 2013

5 Tips on How to Kiss

A kiss can mean true love or it could just be something you’ll regret. Either way, knowing how to kiss is a big plus. Kissing is a big part of how we humans express our emotions, we kiss to show how we feel and some cultures treat kissing as a greeting.

When it comes to romantic kissing, you should have some idea about how to do it. Here are a few tips on how to kiss and how to make it a memorable one.
5 Tips on How to Kiss
Fresh breath helps

Nobody wants to get kissed by someone who has breath that smells like fresh garlic cloves. A lot of people have bad breath, and you can have it too if you don’t regularly take care of your teeth and mouth. Make it a point to keep your teeth sparkling clean and your breath minty fresh. Your bad breath could ruin your kiss so keep it clean.

Make the moment last

The best way to do this is to keep your partner anticipating for more. Build a bit of tension between the both of you, tension that can only be broken with a passionate kiss. It’s kind of like that perfect and anxious moment in a good love story that makes it so exciting.  It could also be the moment that can lead to something more, like safe sex.


This is one of the hardest things to do for some people, but since your mouth is busy kissing and you can’t really express how you feel with words, then use your eyes. Your eyes can show a lot of expression, even looking at each other lovingly for a few seconds before you kiss can make it more meaningful. Some people can tolerate eye to eye contact because it makes them feel awkward, but try it and feel the emotions expressed by the other person through their eyes.

Let go

A passionate kiss is supposed to be a burst of emotions that you can’t control, so don’t even try to control the situation and just let things flow. The only reason you’d probably want to control a kiss is if you don’t want to go too far without talking about safe sex.

Only the ones you like

If would be pointless to give someone a passionate and loving kiss if you’re not really interested in them. Some people say that the kiss can make or break where a relationship is going to go. So if you feel sparks fly when their lips touch yours, then there’s probably something special between the both of you.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Condoms And Pleasure

This new girl I’m hanging out with won’t have sex with me unless I wear a condom. I can’t stand rubbers or the way they feel. Any advice?
My advice is to wear the rubber. What kind of sexologist would I be if I didn’t side with safe sex, respecting your partner’s boundaries and rooting for people to have consensual, pleasurable sex? She’s offering you a choice: a condom or the road. The road isn’t that interesting, and I suggest you go down the protected sex path. I encourage you to ask why she insists on condom use. Everyone has different reasons, and it may be that sexually transmitted infections or possible pregnancy may be concerns of hers.

Source: Here

Oscars losers get $45K goody bags full of trips, coupons and condoms

The last time we got a goody bag, it had a free toothbrush from the dentist. There's a little more glitz — and a much bigger price tag — in the swag bags given to any nominees who don't win an Oscar.
Those bags are valued at more than $45,000 (more than some of us make in a year) and contain everything from trips to Australia to coupons for cosmetic procedures to … condoms? The bags are prepared by Distinctive Assets, which apparently had time to pick up a few boxes of Trojans before the ceremony. Interestingly, these gifts can't be endorsed by the Academy — otherwise, the recipients would have to pay taxes on them.

Source: Here

Oscars Swag Bags Include $45,000 In Liquor, Condoms, Shoes And Travel Vouchers

When people say that it’s an honor to just be nominated what they really mean is “it’s an honor to get all of this free stuff while people pat me on the back.” The Oscar Nominees Gift Big, also known as the swag bag, contains more than $45,000 worth of liquor, travel vouchers, condoms and clothes.
According to Reuters, the Los Angeles-based marketing firm Distinctive Assets will soon be handing out its annual “Everyone Wins at the Oscars Nominee Gift Bag.” So if Jennifer Lawrence doesn’t win for Silver Linings Playbook, she’ll still have a relatively good night.

Source: Here

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Natural Remedies for STDs

One of the most embarrassing things that you can probably ask for at the pharmacy is a cure for an STD. Nobody wants to talk about it, but there are thousands of people who get infected and diagnosed with STDs every day, even after all the safe sex campaigns communities push to their residents. Some people would say that they rather “wait it out” then go to the pharmacy to get medications, but an untreated STD will cause a lot of problems the longer it stays active in the body.

You can treat some STDs with home remedies, although these homemade treatments are not as effective as prescription medication, it does help soothe the pain and minimize symptoms.  Below are the top 3 homemade remedies for STDs.

Garlic has always been used as a medical plant. It has natural antiseptic and antiviral properties that help naturally clear out your system. What some people would do is cook the garlic and grind it with water to make a paste. They would ether eat it or apply it to the area that has boils and spots. If this sounds like too much work, you can always just buy garlic supplements at your local health and wellness store. These are usually places in the organic or natural medicine isle.

Cranberry Juice

In some STDs, especially the ones that also affect the urinary tract or bladder, cranberry juice is the best natural remedy. Vitamins and nutrients found in the juice can help kill off bacteria that cause that stinging pain you feel if you have a urinary tract infection. If you can, get fresh cranberry juice, most supermarkets offer these at their juice bar. However if you can’t find fresh cranberry juice, get the ones that don’t contain or has little added preservatives and sugars.


It might sound a bit strange but yogurt is a main ingredient when it comes to home remedies. Many health and diet experts would advise you to eat yogurt, and there is a reason behind that. Most yogurts contain a good amount of good bacteria that can help minimize the number of bad bacteria in the body. It can also help restore the body’s natural PH level, which is important in treating STDs.

These natural remedies are just a few that you can try to help minimize your STD symptoms. Still, it’s best to talk to a doctor about your case and see what treatment is better. Remember, prevention is still the best way to prevent STDs so have safe sex and be responsible.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Talking easily about condoms

“I was amazed to see people talking easily about condoms,” says Sagar Budhathoki from youth peer education network Y-PEER Nepal, about his first sexual and reproductive rights training session a few years ago. “In one of the sessions there was a demonstration, and I was shy touching the condoms, and everybody laughed. I didn’t even know what reproductive health was.”

Sagar, a 26-year old student from Lalitpur, Nepal, has come a long way since then. Today he is a regional co-ordinator on sexual and reproductive health and rights issues for Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.

Source: Here

Remember the condoms ...

Under a marquee at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), pink and blue condoms are spread out across the table. A demonstration on how to use a female condom does not seem to interest the group of young females who are watching. Both male and female students seem to prefer the colourful condoms over the female condoms, which have a less appealing appearance.
“I don’t trust the female condom because I have heard that you have to put it in eight hours before sex. It looks uncomfortable,” says 22 year old Sheila Matsetela, a BCom Finance student at UJ.

Source: Here

COLUMN: Ten unexpected uses for condoms

National Condom Week is coming up and top drawers all over the country are becoming stuffed with the prophylactic devices. According to the website for National Condom Week, the tradition began at the University of California, Berkeley and spread to provide educational information at high schools, colleges and family planning organizations.
Sexually transmitted infection and pregnancy prevention are important when it comes to students because according to the Center for Disease Control, half of the 19 million cases of infections are among people aged 15 to 25 years, and almost 750,000 U.S. women aged 15 to 19 become pregnant each year, according to the Guttmacher

Source: Here

Should Free Condoms Be Available at Local High Schools?

In January, the Jefferson Union High School District (JUHSD) board of trustees unanimously approved making condoms available in the high schools, which includes Oceana High School and Terra Nova High School in Pacifica.
The conceptual policy is being drafted by staff and will be presented to the board for final approval at a later date, according to a Pacifica Tribune article. The current policy allows students to receive condoms, but only if given to them by a licensed health care practitioner at the Daly City Youth Health Center.

Source: Here

Russell Brand ALWAYS Wears Condoms!

You may not know it from looking at him, but Russell Brand always wears condoms.
Russell Brand

And when we say always we might literally mean all the time no matter what.

Brand was talking with Howard Stern on his radio show recently when Stern kept implying that Russell didn't use condoms.

Source: Here

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Aphrodisiacs 101 – Common Date Night Foods

Food has always been known to help boost up our moods, even affecting out libido and how we perform in bed. Aphrodisiacs are known to help get us into a romantic mood and stir up our sex life.  Just the scent or the taste of these foods might make a big difference on how your date is going to end.

Date Night Foods
Below are a few well known aphrodisiacs and what vitamins and minerals they contain.


Almonds are used in many recipes, from sweet desserts to savory main dishes. These nuts are regarded as a symbol for fertility. The scent of almonds apparently help arouses a woman’s passion, according to midlevel poets. They contain a high source of magnesium, vitamin E and fiber, so have some French macaroons for desert with your date


The Aztecs once called this fruit ahuacuatl, which translates to "testicle tree." Spanish catholic priests during the middle ages found avocados to suggest too much sexually that many of them forbade it.  This creamy fruit contain potassium, vitamin B^ and folic acid. They can also help boost up your immune system. A Mexican dinner with some guacamole might just do the trick.


Chocolates have always been linked to love and sex. People would usually give their loved ones chocolates as gifts. It contains a psychoactive chemical that triggers phenylethylamine or the "love chemical". It also helps release dopamine which makes us feel happy. Eating chocolates has the same effects as having an orgasm when it comes to neurotransmitter release in the brain. Condom companies also use chocolates to promote safe sex, even making a chocolate flavored condom to make things more interesting.


The banana’s shape alone suggests a lot. However, bananas have a lot of B vitamins, magnesium and potassium. It also has bromeliad enzymes and chelating minerals which enhance a man’s libido. Serve some simple banana fosters or even a banana split sundae after your date. Like chocolates, you can pick up banana flavored condoms for safe sex.


This herb goes great on pastas, meats and tomato sauce. Not only will it make the meal taste and smell better, its aroma is said to have aphrodisiac effects. If you can’t find fresh basil, you can use dried or even basil infused oil.


Some people might not like the taste of these but others say that oysters help them experience the best sex they’ve ever had. Oysters are full of zinc, and paired with champagne is the classic romantic meal.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Removal of condoms from store at NUS stirs debate

Three things one cannot get from stores at the National University of Singapore? Tobacco, alcohol and, now, contraceptives.
Condoms were pulled off the shelves at Guardian’s branch at NUS on Monday, sparking raging online discussion over the right of students to have access to contraceptives on campus.

Source: Here

Discreet delivery to Dubai's doorsteps: Condoms

The Durex condom company wants to make sure when things get hot and heavy, people are prepared.

It has teamed up with creative agency Buzzman to start a business delivering condoms to people's doorsteps. Yes, just like pizzas!

Source: Here

Condoms Used To be Made of WHAT?!

February is National Condom Month and the folks at Trojan have put together a handy-dandy video detailing the history of the popular contraceptive to celebrate.
We actually learned a lot from watching it: More than anything, we're grateful that we have a plethora of condom options and no longer have to use things like animal skins (i.e. the ones used to encase sausages), which were popular in legendary player Casanova's time. Um, yuck.

Source: Here

Talking to your Teen about Abstinence

Keeping a teenager a teenager and not a parent is one of the biggest difficulties anyone could ever face. These days, teens are growing up too fast because of media and the culture around them. More and more teens are becoming parents while they’re still starting the best years of their lives.

The best way to stop teen pregnancy is abstinence. Although this might sound a bit too “old school”, but it’s the only 100% safe sex and you can still talk to your teens about the value and how it can affect them. Below are a few tips to help make the “abstinence talk” a bit easier.
Talking to your Teen about Abstinence
Set the time

Plan when you’re going to talk to them about it because you want to have their full attention. Letting this slide or not taking this too seriously might let your teen think that it’s just something that they can just ignore. Show them how serious you are by actually taking the time to sit them down and talk about it.

Know what they think they know

Most teenagers are confused about safe sex, abstinence and sexually health in general. Ask them what they know about it and build up from there. One thing to remember is that you want to suggest abstinence to them, and not force it down their throat. Your teen has all the free will to choose what he or she will do. You’re there to guide them and point them to the right direction.

Tell them why you value it

They might understand you better if you tell them why u value abstinence. Talk about your past experiences on relationships, what you wish you could have changed and what decisions you’re thankful of making.

Do your homework

Know the math, statistics and facts about teen pregnancy and STD infection rates amongst teens. You’re not trying to scare them, but you want them to know the truth and the realities behind sex. If you can, gather data about abstinence, safe sex and non-protected sex and how this affects a teen’s life.

Be open

They probably have a million questions about relationships, intercourse, STDs, and the opposite sex after you open up about the topic. Most teens feel scared or awkward when talking to their parent about sex and relationships, so they rather just keep quiet about it. Be open minded and ask them if they have questions about it. Your answers can help them understand better.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Durex launches emergency condom delivery service in Dubai

You can order a condom delivery man from Durex' new SOS website or iPhone app, available in Dubai. He'll come dressed in disguise — possibly as a pizza man — to ensure privacy. Durex hopes to expand the service to other countries.
Condom company Durex has launched a new app and service in Dubai that discreetly delivers condoms within an hour, with the delivery made by someone dressed as, say, a pizza delivery man or tourist who slyly slips you the goods without your date noticing. Evening saved.

Source: Here

Scientists say: Condoms are sexy again!

There are many people out there (*cough cough* 16-24 year-old dudes) who will resist condom use because it means “sex won’t feel as good.” But contrary to popular belief, recent studies have proven that condoms actually don’t make sex worse. How’s that for talking dirty?
Debby Herbenick, a sex researcher at Indiana University’s Center for Sexual Health Promotion, teased out information from 1,645 men and women ages 18 to 59 whose most recent sexual event included intercourse. The data suggested that sexual arousal, ease of erection, overall pleasure and orgasm weren’t much different between those who “like it raw” and those who used contraception. But there’s something you should know: a giant bottle of lube was involved.

Source: Here

Safe Sex, Health, Respect, and Talking to Your Child

I watch Lifetime movies. Yes, I help people get their lives back on the “straight and narrow” and be healthier with themselves, their emotions, and their relationships, but I still like to indulge Lifetime movies. That feels good to write!
Safe Sex, Health, Respect, and Talking to Your Child
The Pregnancy Pact is about girls who become pregnant. The issue makes the news, and a reporter tries to not just get the story but to also increase awareness about teen pregnancy. I recommend checking out Lifetime for the rest of the story.

Source: Here