Saturday, May 11, 2013

Good Catholics use condoms – lobby

NAIROBI, Kenya, May 8 – Sponsors of a new condom advert that has the Kenyan Catholic Church up in arms have refused to pull it down.
The American based Catholics for Choice (CFC), maintained that the message in the advert was necessary as it would ensure that individuals were protected from contracting the deadly HIV/AIDS virus.

Source: Here

Elderly Ugandans ashamed of buying condoms

This was revealed during a two-day workshop held in Kampala whose theme was preventing HIV/AIDS among the older persons and mitigating its impact in multi-generational households.
According to John Charles Orach, chairperson of National Network for Older Persons in Uganda, the pandemic among old people is on the rise in the country and this is because the ABC strategy is failing them.

Source: Here

California Group Mails Condoms to 12-Year-Olds

( – “Looking for free condoms?” the California Family Health Council (CFHC) asks.  “You have come to the right place!”
California Group Mails Condoms to 12-Year-Olds
The CFHC, a non-profit organization, has set up a website advertising its “Condom Access Project,” where teens as young as 12 years old can receive free condoms in the mail.

Source: Here

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sex and Science – Why We Need Sex

We all go through that phase in life where we ask ourselves if we’re ready to have sex. Some people prefer to wait until they get married to have sex while other becomes sexually active even if they don’t have commented relationships, as long as they use some sort of protection like premium condoms. Bottom line is, sex is something that we will have to face. Many people are afraid of sex, mainly because they don’t understand it. They become uncomfortable when the topic is brought up and they tend to just steer away from it.
Sex and Science – Why We Need Sex
If you want to stop being scared of sex, the best thing to do is to open up to it. To make it easier to cope with the topic, most people place sex as a subject for science and nature.

Sex is survival

First, you need to understand that sex is natural. It’s one of our basic needs and our brain is wired to want sex because of our survival instincts. Sex is used to help us create offspring and continue our lineage. If you don’t have sex, how can you have kids? Our basic instincts will always drive us to find a partner, have sex and make children.

Psychological needs

Not only is it a physical need, it’s also psychological. As humans, we are naturally social and can’t live alone. We need to find a partner and sex will be a big part of that relationship. It helps us bond without partner and create an emotional lock with them. It can also help improve our self-esteem, minimize depression and keep us generally happy and in a good mood.

Hormonal thing

Our biological chemistry also depends on sex. It can help balance out our hormones which can affect both our physical and psychological well-being. Hormones excreted during sex can stay in our system of hours, sometimes even days, and keep the natural flow of things.

Health reasons

We all have read heath articles about the benefits of sex, for example boosting up our immune system, minimizing the chances of certain types of cancers, and even improving heath health. Most of these are actually true, giving you more reasons to enjoy sex.

Safety is a primary concern when it comes to sex, so use premium condoms and other contraceptives. Be responsible for yourself and your partner’s health and prevent infections and unplanned pregnancies.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Natural Cures for Common STDS

Although there are countless prescription and even over the counter drugs that you can use to cure sexually transmitted illnesses and infections, some people prefer to use natural medication. People have been using plants as medicine for thousands of years, in fact without these plants, modern pharmaceuticals would not exist. Below are a few common STDs and natural remedies for them.
Natural Cures for Common STDS

Human papillomavirus or HPV is one of the most usual sexually transmitted infections. Because of this, our immune system usually has no problem protecting us and countering it. being diagnosed with this infection shouldn’t be a cause of panic, so don’t agree to harsh testing like treatments injected to the cervix or even biopsy, 70% of untreated cases actually clear out the infection within a few months. You can use the extract from St. John’s or St. Joan’s wort which contains Hypericum perforatum, a few times a day to clear out the infection.


Another common infection, this is caused by a bacterium that stays in the cervix. Untreated, this can permanently damage the sex organs, cause infertility and pelvic pain. Most doctors would use antibiotics to cure this infection. Natural remedies would be extracts from yarrow, usnea, pau d’arco and Echinacea, taken 3 to 6 times per day together with an antibiotic. This helps remove deeper infections without any relapse, scarring and will not affect fertility.

Genital Herpes

About 1 in every 5 college students are diagnosed with genital herpes. The bad thing about this infection is that it can stay doormat and it’s resilient to drugs, meaning once you get infected, it says there forever. Infections like these are one of the main reasons why people should have safe sex, since infections could affect them for the rest of their lives. Thankfully, there are natural remedies that help tone down the symptoms. Lemon and hyssop balms can help soothe any active sores. You can use oil form St. John’s or St. Joan’s wort to cure spots that develop on the skin. Black currants can also keep the virus dormant and minimize the chances of outbreaks.

 People need to be aware and well knowledgeable about the consequences of being sexually active. The best treatment for STD is still prevention and safe sex. Multi-vitamins can also help keep out immune system from becoming weak and stop infections from spreading out. Many natural multi-vitamins are available in health shops and even drugstores. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

I Wear Pinky-Sized Condoms

Forget Magnums ... Eli Roth's strapping up with extra small rubbers these days ... thanks to a nasty bite from an OCTOPUS in Hawaii.

Eli tells TMZ, he recently overcame his fear of the ocean while on vacation in the Aloha State -- following a terrifying sea urchin attack in 2010 -- and decided to test the waters with a sea scooter expedition.

Source: Here

Stop Arresting New Yorkers for Carrying Condoms

Believe it or not, carrying a condom in New York could lead to your arrest. Why? Because it is legal for law enforcement to cite condom possession as evidence that a person engaged in prostitution. Targeting condoms, however, is ineffective at deterring prostitution and threatens public health. The practice also contributes to police discrimination against New York's LGBT community. Thankfully, the city's five District Attorneys can end the policy without having to wait for Albany lawmakers to fix the problem. So it's time to act.

Law enforcement is inadvertently discouraging sex workers from using protection without actually deterring them from engaging in prostitution. Multiple studies have found that sex workers are opting not to carry condoms for fear of being arrested. In addition to the thousands of formal prostitution prosecutions in New York City every year, the NYPD routinely seizes condoms from suspected sex workers without actually making arrests. These efforts at deterrence are not working: in one recent study, 20 percent of local sex workers who reported having their condoms seized said they had unprotected sex mere hours after their run-ins with the police. Every one of those cases represents a potential new infection of a sexually transmitted disease.

Source: Here