Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sex and Science – Why We Need Sex

We all go through that phase in life where we ask ourselves if we’re ready to have sex. Some people prefer to wait until they get married to have sex while other becomes sexually active even if they don’t have commented relationships, as long as they use some sort of protection like premium condoms. Bottom line is, sex is something that we will have to face. Many people are afraid of sex, mainly because they don’t understand it. They become uncomfortable when the topic is brought up and they tend to just steer away from it.
Sex and Science – Why We Need Sex
If you want to stop being scared of sex, the best thing to do is to open up to it. To make it easier to cope with the topic, most people place sex as a subject for science and nature.

Sex is survival

First, you need to understand that sex is natural. It’s one of our basic needs and our brain is wired to want sex because of our survival instincts. Sex is used to help us create offspring and continue our lineage. If you don’t have sex, how can you have kids? Our basic instincts will always drive us to find a partner, have sex and make children.

Psychological needs

Not only is it a physical need, it’s also psychological. As humans, we are naturally social and can’t live alone. We need to find a partner and sex will be a big part of that relationship. It helps us bond without partner and create an emotional lock with them. It can also help improve our self-esteem, minimize depression and keep us generally happy and in a good mood.

Hormonal thing

Our biological chemistry also depends on sex. It can help balance out our hormones which can affect both our physical and psychological well-being. Hormones excreted during sex can stay in our system of hours, sometimes even days, and keep the natural flow of things.

Health reasons

We all have read heath articles about the benefits of sex, for example boosting up our immune system, minimizing the chances of certain types of cancers, and even improving heath health. Most of these are actually true, giving you more reasons to enjoy sex.

Safety is a primary concern when it comes to sex, so use premium condoms and other contraceptives. Be responsible for yourself and your partner’s health and prevent infections and unplanned pregnancies.

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