Sunday, September 30, 2012

How to Use a Condom – A Beginner's Guide

Using a condom is one of the best ways to avoid an unwanted pregnancy and keep yourself and your partner safe from getting infected with an STD. However, you have to make sure that you are actually using the condom correctly to avoid complications. You could end up ripping or tearing the condom, so you have to be careful.

Condoms should not only be used during vaginal sex, it should be used in any type of sex if you want to keep things.

Condoms are the most popular method for having safe sex, and y et not everyone knows how to use them properly. Here are a few care and usage tips for condoms
Before Using

Store the condoms inside a dry, cool place that’s not exposed to direct sunlight. Moreover, always check the box or pack’s expiry date.

Before putting on a condom, check if the package is sealed airtight. Tear it with your hands, not with your teeth, and slip it out from the pack. Check for any damages, holes or tears on it. If it looks like it’s discolored, brittle, or damaged, throw it out and don’t use it.

If you’re planning to use lubricant, use it inside and outside the condom. It’s also crucial that you used a water based lubricant since most condoms are made from latex. Oil-based lubricants will only damage and create hole on the condom, so mind what you use.

Putting it on

Pinch the end using one hand and leave a small space for the semen. With the other, roll the whole condom down until it covers the penis. Guide air bubbles to the opening of the condom to get them out. Usually, condoms are packed with lubricants, but you can also add some more to help avoid any excess friction which causes breakage.

Using the condom

Many people ask when the right time to pull out is. Most would say to pull out before orgasm while the erection is still present. This is because if the penis is not erected anymore, there is a possibility that the ejaculation can spill or leak out of the condom. Pulling out earlier is also a good safe sex tip since it helps prevent infections and pregnancies.

After use

Pull the condom from the base to avoid spills, and be sure to dispose of it correctly. Place it back inside the wrapper and throw it inside the garbage can. Don’t flush it down the toilet to avoid clogging.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

UNPROTECTED SEX: S'pore men throw caution to the winds in Batam - study

ABOUT 60 per cent of sex workers in Batam have Singaporean clients, and only one in four of these clients use condoms regularly.
These are some of the key findings in a recent study by migrant welfare group Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (Home) and non-governmental organisations in Batam.

Source: Here

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Behind Closed Doors: Safe is sexy — Use condoms to protect you and your partner

I’ve been dating the same guy for three years now, and we’ve never had sex without a condom. My guy friends always kind of cringe when I say that, and my girlfriends never cease to marvel at my self-control. Yes, I’m on birth control. No, neither of us has an STI. I just really, really, really don’t want to get pregnant.


Source: Here

Monday, September 24, 2012

Tips on how to stop Masturbation Addiction

One of the most misunderstood addictions in the world of psychology is the addiction to masturbation. Many people are addicted to masturbating because of the sensation of the orgasm. However, once they’re finished, they begin to feel bad and feel guilty about what they did—it’s a cycle that goes on and on.

Most people who are addicted to masturbation grew up with strict parents or rigid environments, turning to masturbation as an escape. Although many medical and mental health professionals say that masturbation is normal, getting disrupted from daily activities by the thought of not being able to masturbate is already a mental issue.
Masturbation Addiction
Here are a few ways to help stop masturbation addiction.

Talk to a therapist

There might be a need to set up an appointment with a therapist to stop the addiction. The therapist can help go into what could have caused the addiction to start by diving down to the person’s past. They can also help keep the person focused on the goal and stop masturbating. A sex therapist is the best therapist to contact to help with this situation.

If you have a partner, have a healthy sex life

Some people, even if they already have partners, still prefer to masturbate due to their addiction. They feel awkward when having sex with their partners and feel more comfortable if they masturbate. Instead of masturbating, have a healthy sex life.  Use a condom and have safe sex to be responsible and protect each other from being infected with STDs.

When feeling the heat, do something else

The feeling of wanting to masturbate comes from a physical need. This means using mental strategies isn’t going to be enough. There needs to be some kind physical outlet to occupy the physical and the emotional drive to masturbate. A common outlet would be sports, work, and hobbies. Once the person’s attention is shift from masturbation to something else, they should think about it less and less.

Avoid pornography

Pornography is a trigger for most to masturbate. Porn is also addicting, and most people who are addicted to masturbation are also addicted to porn. Whether it's T.V, internet pornography, movies, mental images, or strip clubs that you keep thinking of, these issues to be addressed before the masturbation addiction can stop. Avoidance is the only way to get rid of the urge to watch porn.

Join an addiction help group

Many people find it impossible and embarrassing to do this because of their addiction, but having a support group helps. A support group also helps by conditioning a person’s mindset to focus on a healthier outlook in life, providing education on safe sex, and giving the addict a sense of belongingness.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Condoms "most important" prevention tool - NZAF

Commitment to condom use will remain by far the most important tool in the fight against the spread of HIV amongst New Zealand men who have sex with men, according to the NZ AIDS Foundation.

Source: Here

Condom Nation Rolling, Promoting Safe Sex

Winston-Salem, NC-- It's not everyday you see people roll up in an 18 wheeler to hand out condoms...but that was the case Thursday.

A free condom giveaway sponsored by AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) was in the Triad. The 'Condom Nation' 18-wheel semi truck is on a 40-city, 25-state free condom tour, advocating and handing out free condoms. They are also offering free HIV testing to anyone who wants to get one.

Source: Here

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

East Africa: UNFPA Calls for Increase in Condom Supply

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has indicated that use and access to condoms by the youth, especially those between ages 15 to 24 in Rwanda, was low.

According to UNAIDS survey of 2010 indicated that 56 per cent of new HIV infection were from sex workers mainly due to lack of access to preventive tools like condoms.

Cheikh Fall, Officer in Charge, UNFPA Rwanda, said according to the Demographic Health Survey 2010, 79 per cent of women and 66 per cent of men know that the risk of getting HIV can be reduced by using condoms and limiting sex to one uninfected partner.

Source: Here

Monday, September 17, 2012

Condom Use Can Reverse HIV/AIDS – Report

Recently, the Kaduna State Media Corporation in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Kaduna State Agency for the Control of AIDS (KASACA), had an awareness meeting to   deliberate on the current HIV situation in the state. It involved among others, how the state has fared and what needs to be done to reverse the trend. WINIFRED OGBEBO who was there, reports.
In 2008, a study conducted by the National AIDS Reproductive Health Survey (NARHS), put the HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in Kaduna State at 7 per cent, and in 2011, another study put the prevalence rate at 5.1 per cent. That means for every 100 people, five are positive.

Source: Here

Saturday, September 15, 2012

From condoms to roses: Golden Key members encourage safe sex

From left: Vontessa Kendall, senior middle grades education major; Terri Harris, junior communication sciences and disorders major; and Molly Seal, Health center graduate assistant work to create condom roses in a effort to encourage safe sex.

Source: Here

And Eco-Friendly Approach Sexual Health and Fertility

These days, people are busy making sure that they clean up their act and minimize their carbon footprints, the better to be less impactful on the environment. There are tremendous benefits to be gained by ensuring every aspect of our lives has a clean and green touch to it, even if it’s something as odd as intimate heath and family planning.

Many of us wouldn’t have second thoughts on getting a hybrid car or get solar panels installed on their roofs to be eco-friendly, but they don’t really look at the little things which could have a big impact. Below are just a few simple and cost effective ways to go green when it comes to your reproductive health.

Go Green with your Monthly Period

Statistics show that over 12 billion sanitary pads and 13 billion tampons are used annually. Within her lifespan, an average woman uses about 11,000 tampons. These don’t break down easily and it will take years before it completely biodegrades. And since you really can’t recycle old tampons and sanitary pads, you can only throw them away, which means they automatically go to the landfill.

Instead of getting the regular tampon or sanitary pad, choose chemical-free and organic ones. Since these do not contain any harsh chemicals, your intimate area will less likely become irritated and they take less time to decompose.

Vegan Love

Choose vegan condoms over regular condoms to add a touch of green to your sex life. Ordinary latex condoms contain a type of protein taken from milk, an animal byproduct—this puts it against the belief of ethical vegans who shun all types of animal-based products.

Vegan condoms are touted as an animal-friendly condom alternative as they are based on plant extracts. Provided its endorsed by a major vegan group, a vegan condom is cruelty-free and animal friendly.

Although they are harder to find in your local pharmacies, you can find vegan condoms online for a reasonable price. Take advantage of the long shelf life of these condoms and buy in bulk to save.

Go Natural

Although using the calendar method is a bit risky, especially if you don’t have a regular period, there are other ways to prevent a pregnancy without using condoms. The best way is use the natural temperature of a woman to know if she is fertile or not. There are also natural birth control pills that are designed to affect the woman’s hormones to prevent unplanned pregnancies.

Use Lubricants Made from Organic Materials

Choose lubricant brands made from 100% natural and organic materials. These don’t contain flavors, dyes, petrochemicals, parabens and other harsh chemicals that could irritate the intimate area.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Condoms unpopular with young adults

A campaign hopes to encourage more young adults to use condoms after a study revealed half did not use them with new sexual partners despite rising rates of sexually transmitted diseases
Source: Here

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Learn From Olympians: Practice Safe Sex Too!

The Olympics are over, and the athletes have returned to their home countries. They left behind moments of glory, moments of disappointment and, apparently, more than 150,000 condom wrappers. That’s the number of contraceptives that were supplied to the London Olympic villagers (up from 100,000 in Beijing).
Drs. Oz & Roizen

This prompts us to point out that safe sex – whether it’s safety from unwanted pregnancy or protection from STDs – is something international athletes seem to take seriously. Safe sex is not an amateur sport; it’s a matter of life and death.

Source: Here

Friday, September 7, 2012

No condoms for almost half of students

BOOZE A FACTOR: Alcohol and sex go hand in hand with many young people, say Victoria University of Wellington students Harry Evans, 20, and Stella Blake-Kelly and Molly McCarthy, both 21.
No condoms for almost half of students

Source: Here

Benefits of Using Natural Products

The use of natural-based products has grown popular over the recent years due to the supposed benefits these products provide. For starters, most of these products are marketed to contain no traces of harsh and harmful synthetic chemicals, which for many, causes irritations and allergic reactions.

With the growing popular of these products, there is now a wide range of organic and natural products available in our local groceries, pharmacies and supermarkets. Everything from naturally grown food, natural skin care products, to even organic condoms.
Organic Condom
Here are some more benefits that natural products have over other products in the market.

Naturally grown food

You can’t go wrong with naturally grown food. Organic food goes through a natural farming or livestock caring process, ensuring that produce and meat aren’t modified genetically. There have been cases of traces of pesticide- and chemical-based fertilizers found inside fruits and vegetables, which may lead to toxic poisoning.

Likewise, livestock that is fed non-organic food may also consume fewer nutrients than naturally fed animals.

Skincare and beauty products

Skin care items made from natural or organic ingredients are gentler to your skin compared to traditional beauty items. These products are typically made from vegetable and fruit extract, with very little to no chemicals mixed with them.

Moreover, no synthetic coloring and harsh smelling perfumes are added to the production of these items. Natural beauty products are also safer for kids—it’s worth pointing out there have been identified cases of children winding up in the hospital after accidentally consuming their mothers’ skincare and beauty products.

Homecare products

Not only can you buy organic and natural home care products at the market, you can also make and use them at home. You can create an effective and instant all-around cleaning product using ingredients that you can find in your own kitchen. It's cheaper and works just as good as the cleaning products you buy at the supermarket. Check the net for online home cleaning remedies and recipes.

Medicine and health care

Man has been using plants to cure illness since the beginning of time. Natural remedies are proven effective and safer since it’s difficult to overdose on them. Likewise, many medicinal and healthcare items are made from animal products. For example, organic condoms are made for sheep or lamb intestines. These are effective contraceptives and feel natural when used, as if you are not wearing a condom at all.

The next time you by something, try going organic. You might just like the effects of natural products and change your whole lifestyle.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Barack Obama, Mitt Romney condoms launched

Condoms inspired by Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have been launched in the US.

Say It With A Condom, a customised condom company in New York, advertises the Romney condom as "great for any position", while the Obama condom has the tagline: "Won't break as easily as his promises."

Source: Here

College Life – Responsibilities Typically Forgotten by Students

Many people say that going to college is when life’s best moments happen. You get to live alone in a new place and meet new people. You also get to create new connections that you might be thankful for in your professional career.

College is fun, but sometimes, college students have too much fun and end up in doing something that they regret. Keep in mind that you have to be responsible for yourself since this is your future you are getting ready for.
Family Planning
Below are a few common responsibilities that college students seem to give less attention to and a few tips on how to keep yourself on the right track.


In college, you have to work with whatever little money you have. It’s a good idea to have a credit card, but be warned, it’s easy to be covered in debt if you don’t know how to manage your credit.

If you are having a hard time living off the money your parents send you, get a part time job. There are hundreds of jobs that you can apply for that will take up little time and can provide you extra cash to spend.

Time Management

It’s easy to lose your sense of time with all the things that you need to do for school and your personal life. You have to learn how to manage your time well so that work and leisure won’t come at you at the same time. Keep a schedule planner or a small notebook with you all the time so that you can just write down what you need to do and remind yourself later about it.

Safe Sex

You will meet many people and even have relationships with a few of them in college since you have more time on your own and have more control on how to spend it. That said, if you make the decision to be sexually active, you have to be responsible enough to protect yourself and your partner. Engaging safe sex practices, such as wearing a condom, can protect you from a host of sexually transmitted diseases, most of which are life threatening.

Moreover, the last thing you want in college is to be a parent and cut your time in school short because of it.


Don’t forget what you are actually going to college for. Always prioritize school and finish your education. Having fun, meeting new people and experiencing new things comes after. Try to spend more time in the library or your room studying then at the frat house partying.

But remember, don’t push yourself too hard; find the time to actually have fun. Enjoy your college days because life after college is a heck of a lot more stressful. You don’t have summers off or spring break anymore so enjoy and learn while you are still there.