Sunday, September 2, 2012

College Life – Responsibilities Typically Forgotten by Students

Many people say that going to college is when life’s best moments happen. You get to live alone in a new place and meet new people. You also get to create new connections that you might be thankful for in your professional career.

College is fun, but sometimes, college students have too much fun and end up in doing something that they regret. Keep in mind that you have to be responsible for yourself since this is your future you are getting ready for.
Family Planning
Below are a few common responsibilities that college students seem to give less attention to and a few tips on how to keep yourself on the right track.


In college, you have to work with whatever little money you have. It’s a good idea to have a credit card, but be warned, it’s easy to be covered in debt if you don’t know how to manage your credit.

If you are having a hard time living off the money your parents send you, get a part time job. There are hundreds of jobs that you can apply for that will take up little time and can provide you extra cash to spend.

Time Management

It’s easy to lose your sense of time with all the things that you need to do for school and your personal life. You have to learn how to manage your time well so that work and leisure won’t come at you at the same time. Keep a schedule planner or a small notebook with you all the time so that you can just write down what you need to do and remind yourself later about it.

Safe Sex

You will meet many people and even have relationships with a few of them in college since you have more time on your own and have more control on how to spend it. That said, if you make the decision to be sexually active, you have to be responsible enough to protect yourself and your partner. Engaging safe sex practices, such as wearing a condom, can protect you from a host of sexually transmitted diseases, most of which are life threatening.

Moreover, the last thing you want in college is to be a parent and cut your time in school short because of it.


Don’t forget what you are actually going to college for. Always prioritize school and finish your education. Having fun, meeting new people and experiencing new things comes after. Try to spend more time in the library or your room studying then at the frat house partying.

But remember, don’t push yourself too hard; find the time to actually have fun. Enjoy your college days because life after college is a heck of a lot more stressful. You don’t have summers off or spring break anymore so enjoy and learn while you are still there.

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