Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Strange Organic Items in the Market

Since the “green revolution”, people are becoming more and more conscious about what they use and eat. Some people are become very organic and natural minded that they would only use items that are made from 100% natural material. It has also become easier to shift to this lifestyle since most markets and groceries offer organically grown fruits and vegetables and free range poultry and meat.

However, is there such as thing as too organic? There are some items in the market that you wouldn’t expect to be labeled as natural. Below are a few.
organic condoms
Organic natural fabrics

Silk and wool, are already natural. However, certain varieties are labeled as organic because the animals where these items were taken from did not get feed artificial feeds. Most producers, because of demand, would give animals feeds that would affect their hormones, making them grow faster and develop more raw materials. Some farmers would actually prefer to take time and invest in making sure the animal grows up as natural as possible, be given naturally grown grass and feed and let roam around the fields like how they are supposed to be domesticated and raised. Many say that items coming from these organically taken cared of animals are better in quality.

Organic condoms

These have actually been around for centuries. People have been using condoms as a form of protection, contraceptive and even for ritual rites. Organic condoms are made from sheep or lamb intestine. They feel so natural that you would even feel like you’re wearing a condom. The down side of these is that they can’t protect you from certain STDs. Natural condoms have small pores in them that can let bacteria and viruses to pass through the barrier. These condoms are also noticeably more expensive compared to regular latex condoms.

Organic pasta

You’d expect that pasta is already organic, since the main ingredients are just flower, water, eggs and seasonings. But there is a line of pasta that is labeled as organic. What makes this pasta special is that it’s made from artichoke flour instead of regular flour. Other than the ingredients used in organic pasta, it basically has the same taste and texture as regular pasta.

Some items are better used organic, but sometimes, producers could just be riding along the organic train just to get people to purchase their items. Whatever choice you make, just make sure you read the label and keep updated about ingredients that are not good for you so you’ll know what you’re buying.

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