Thursday, January 24, 2013

Teen Talk – Tips to Stay Abstinent

When it comes to sex, most guardians and parents would prefer their teen to abstain from it. Abstinence means absolutely no sex until marriage, and this serve both moral and health benefits. In fact, many health professionals would say that abstinence is the only real form of safe sex.

Teen Talk – Tips to Stay Abstinent
Here are some abstinence tips to help you keep you stay on your chosen path.

No sex, not even a little

Out of 10 teens, 2/3 of them is having or has tried sex. So this means that there is still a 1/3 percent who chooses to be abstinent when it comes to sex. Many people understand abstinence as having to forget about feeling sexual. This is something that’s biological in us, so we can’t stop this. However, we can concentrate on managing our urges and refrain from becoming too sexual with our partners. You can still go out with your partner, but remember to take it slow.

Enjoy what you can do

Going back to how abstinence doesn’t mean that you can’t be sexual or can’t feel sexual, you can still fulfill your urges. People who practice abstinence usually stay as far away from temptation and are limited to kissing when it comes to getting “sexual”. When it comes to kissing, enjoy it, but always keep your limits in mind. If your partner is going a little too fast or is running your hands in places they shouldn’t be, then tell them about it.

If it’s getting too hot, stay out

Don’t to something that you might regret at the end of the day. If you believe in abstinence, then make it a point to stop and break off when it’s getting too hot. It’s normal to feel desire and the want to have sex, but then again, think before you act and don’t pull your pants down, not even with safe sex.

Talk to your partner

Being abstinent in a relationship isn’t a one way battle. You have your partner going through the same thing, so no having sex is something both of you needs to talk about. If it was a decision that the both of you made, then it would be easier to keep your promise. But if it’s only one person in the relationship being abstinent, then it could cause problems. If you’re not ready, then confront your partner about it. They should understand what you’re going through, but expect some reactions to be negative and doubtful. Turn it into something that both of you can go through to better understand each other and your relationship.

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