Monday, October 8, 2012

Heath Benefits you Get from Sex

Many physical and psychological studies have been done about the benefits of having sex. Your intimate moments might just give you a better and healthier life. But before you go under the covers, remember to have safe sex.

Here are the top 10 health benefits from sex.

Good blood pressure and less stress

Sex has always been a good stress reliever, but it can also positively affect your blood pressure by keeping it on a normal level. A Scottish research took in 22 men and 24 women and kept note of their night time activities.  They were placed in a stressful situation, like doing math without paper or speaking in a crowded room, managed their stress levels and their blood pressure better.
Boosts up immunity

Immunoglobulin A or IgA levels are known to be higher almost people who actively have sex. This antibody can help avoid the common cold and other infections.

Good exercise

You can burn 85 calories when having sex for 30 minutes. This might not sound much, but if you add it up, you can get a good workout while getting intimate with your partner. You not only have to use your body, but your mind as well.

Cardiovascular heath

A 20 year long British study about the correlation between sex and the likeliness of getting a heart attack showed that people who have sex twice or more times a week are less likely to have heart problems.

Better Self Esteem

Having sex makes you feel good about yourself. It lifts up your self-esteem and self-confidence.  Even people would have high self-esteem and belief about themselves would have sex to feel better. Another study has also shown that good sex comes from a good feeling towards yourself.

Deeper Intimacy

When you and your partner have sex, you become closer. Orgasms and sex help raise the level of oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, which causes people to build trust and bond. Having some alone time with your partner is also a good way to get to know each other in a deeper way.


The hormones released during pain are natural painkillers and would even help make the pain disappear completely. So if arthritis pains, PMS symptoms and headaches disappear, you can thank sex.
These are just a few benefits you get with sex. Having fun and practicing safe sex will definitely help you enjoy it more and you become a bit healthier.

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