Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sex infections rise among middle-aged

Teenagers are likely to be better informed about sexual health than middle-aged New Zealanders, who are catching sexually transmitted infections (STIs) at increasingly high rates.

The trend could be linked to a rise in divorce rates, an increase in infidelity or a new age of online dating, experts suggest.
sex infections rise among middle-aged
Ignorance about safe sex and poor condom use among 40 to 50-year-old New Zealanders could also be blamed for the rise in STIs, Christchurch's Sexual Health Clinic physician Heather Young said.

The clinic had recently seen an increase in herpes and genital warts in its middle-aged patients.

Young said 40 to 50-year-olds leaving long-term relationships and re-entering the dating scene with an ignorant perception of safe sex could have sparked the climb in STIs.

Source: Here

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