Sunday, October 21, 2012

Preventing AIDS – Tips to Keep you Safe

The moment you become sexually active, you also become at risk of contracting sexually-transmitted diseases. One of the main reasons why people get sick with these sexually transmitted infections and diseases is because they have little knowledge or are not responsible enough with their own sexual health and safety.

One of the most life-threatening STDs is AIDS, an immune system disorder caused by the HIV virus, which is contracted through the exchange of bodily fluids, especially blood. This illness slowly diminishes a person’s immunity system resulting in death.

Fortunately, there are a few ways to avoid getting infected with the HIV virus when you’re having intercourse. Below are a few examples.
Preventing AIDS
Use a Condom

A condom is probably the simplest way to protect yourself from any form of STD or STI. A condom stops direct contact and the exchange of bodily fluids when having sex. There are many different types of condoms and some condoms, such as organic condoms, actually do not protect you from infections. These condoms are made from natural materials such as sheep intestine and have pores that are big enough to let viruses and bacteria to pass though. These pores however, are small enough to prevent pregnancy.

Avoid Having Multiple Partners

Having multiple partners raises your risk of being infected with a disease like AIDS. The main reason for this is that your partners could also have come contact with someone who’s infected and don’t even realize this or they could be using organic condoms and not the appropriate ones. You have to be aware of your partner’s sexual history to protect yourself. Avoid having sex with someone you just met and barely even know.

Get tested

Being tested for any infections should be done in a regular basis when you’re sexually active. You should also ask your partner to get tested to make sure both of you are safe. Even if you’re treated for an STD and get well, you can still get infected if your partner is sick.

Never Share Needles 

This is one of the most common ways to be infected with HIV without having sex. Sharing needles places you in danger of contaminating your blood with the other person’s blood. All needles, including the ones used for prescribed drugs or illegal drugs, should be used once and properly disposed of after.

These are just a few ways to keep yourself from being infected with STDs like AIDS. Although abstinence from sex is always the best way to protect yourself, it’s not always the most practical solution out there. That said, you have to be responsible of yourself and your partner when having sex and avoid spreading any type of sexually transmitted diseases by being safe.

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