Monday, March 4, 2013

Tips on testing for latex allergies

Allergies are really annoying especially if you’re not aware of them. Some people are not so sure if they’re allergic to something because the symptoms are too unnoticeable and they don’t feel any different. However, allergies should still be taken seriously and one needs to be aware of the limitations that it can cause.

Some allergies, like latex allergies, might end up in a very embarrassing situation if you’re not careful. You could be using a latex condom that could trigger your allergies. Commonly, it only shows a couple of small rashes on the skin, but some cases might call for immediate medical assistance.
Tips on testing for latex allergies
If you think you have latex allergies but are not sure, here are a few things that you can do.

Test other parts of your skin

The safest way to know if you’re allergic to latex is to test yourself. You can do a skin test which basically means you deliberately expose yourself to latex and check if it shows a reaction or not. Keep the test safe by doing it on the back of your hand or other area that you can easily reach and check. You might also want to ask assistance from a medical professional when preforming the skin test. Use regular latex condoms and skip special ones like natural rubber and vegan condoms.

Check your family and medical history

Other people who have the allergies tend to forget about it, so it’s a good idea to scan through your medical history and check if there were any case of allergies. You can also check any record of family members who have the allergy. Most allergies are genetic, and if one of your parents is allergic to latex, you might also be. Ask your mom or dad if they can remember.

Don’t use latex

If you’re still not sure if your allergic or not, then it’s just best to keep away from latex. There are other types of condoms in the market such as vegan condoms that don’t contain the protein found in common latex but does offer the same functions as one. Avoidance is key, so watch what you buy.

Whether you’re allergic or not, it’s also a good idea to have medication around. Common anti-histamine can help you ease down any allergic reaction so have one just in case. Take note of how severe the allergy as and how it affects you.

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