Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Turning Vegan – 3 Simple Reasons Why you Should

To most, shifting to veganism is just a phase. The hype of how amazing this lifestyle is got pumped up because of media and celebrities who turned vegan.  But it’s definitely more than just a fad. Millions of people have successfully changed their mindset, diet and lifestyle after they turned vegan. Today, vegans make up a big percentage of the total population in the United States.
Turning Vegan – 3 Simple Reasons Why you Should
But why should you even consider turning vegan? Here are 3 simple reasons why you should think about it.

Do you care about your health?

Many people turn to veganism because of their health. Sure it’s not just all about the diet, but it does play a vital role. Vegans do not eat anything that’s made from animal byproducts and just stick with natural, and if possible, organic plant based food. They also stay away from processed foods that contain a lot of preservatives and chemicals that could harm the body. These days, you can find vegan substitutes for everything, from vegan “meat” replacements to vegan condoms.

Do you care about the environment?

Turning vegan also helps you become socially aware about pollution, recycling and using only what you need. The lifestyle helps you lessen your carbon footprint and take better care of the environment. Some vegans even make it a point to become self-sustainable, planting their own vegetables and fruits the organic way and recycling what they can to minimize trash and pollution. More vegans are learning how to become self-sustainable, and vegan communities are promoting this by offering classes on gardening, DIY recycling and more.  Most vegan items, such as vegan condoms, are easy to recycle and are biodegradable.

Do you care are about animals?

Farm animals that are raised for human consumption go through a lot of pain and suffering. Form the moment they are born, most of these animals are forced feed food that contains chemicals that are used to genetically modify them to make them bigger or meatier. Some animals that are used to harvest by-products like milk and eggs are over worked and are also given chemicals so that they can produce more. These animals do not deserve how they are being treated and many vegan communities and releasing press statements, articles, documentaries and movies about how they are being abused to educate people.

These 3 simple reasons should be enough for you to turn vegan. Although it is going to take a lot of sacrifices, it definitely is a better lifestyle.

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