Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Vegan vs. Latex Condoms – Which is better?

There are many different types of condoms available in the market, and some people have made it a point to integrate their lifestyle to sexual protections. The vegan lifestyle means that you don’t eat or use anything that contains some sort of animal by product, as much as possible stick with natural and plant based items and make sure that the item you’re using is animal cruelty free.

It’s a little known fact that latex condoms, which are the most common condoms available in the market, actually contain a milk protein, which makes is non-vegan friendly. Luckily, there is a brand of condoms that found a way to take that milk protein out of the mix and made it possible for vegans to enjoy safe sex without having to worry about their condom. Vegan condoms are now available in special stores and online. But what’s the difference? Here is a short comparison on vegan friendly condoms to latex condoms.
Vegan vs. Latex Condoms

Average. Vegan friendly condoms cost more or less the same compared to latex condoms. However, this does depend on the brand and the type. Special vegan friendly condom may cost more than the regular ones.


Really easy to locate and purchase online, but you can only get them at selected or special stores. Some drugstores do sell “vegan” condoms from known condom producers, but the vegan society does not recognize it as 100% vegan friendly. Real vegan friendly condoms have a sign or a mark of approval by the vegan society on the packaging.

During sex

Vegan condoms more or less have the same feel, thickness and durability as latex condoms, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t use it like one. You can use vegan friendly condoms for vaginal, anal and oral sex. Using lubricant is also advisable to make it more comfortable and feel more sensation. Water-based lubricants work better compared to oil-based ones.


The fact that condoms are actually not vegan has shocked a lot of people. Many vegans have struggled to look for an alternative since it’s against their beliefs to use regular condoms. But since vegan friendly condoms became available in the market, they don’t have to worry about protecting themselves without having to use an item that has an animal by-product in it. Before purchasing your vegan friendly condoms, make sure that it’s approved by the vegan community. Check their website for a list of brands that have their seal of approval.

Friday, December 21, 2012

South Africa: MEC Dhlomo's Call to Distribute Condoms in Churches

The IFPKZN caucus is horrified to hear of MEC Dhlomo's utterances on the distribution of condoms in churches.

We believe that the Church should be a place of fellowship, worship and prayer and should not be relegated to a house of promiscuity. The MEC has gone too far - he really fell off the moral radar. This is a total abomination and is deplorable.

Source: Here

Santa Distributing Clean Needles, Female Condoms in the Bronx

One of the ways that New York State is considering streamlining its Medicaid costs is by expanding needle-exchange centers to help drug users prevent getting HIV and hepatitis C, which are expensive to treat. But that may take federal funds, and Congress reinstated a ban on such funds last year, only two years after lifting it. That was despite a landmark 1997 report to Congress finding that needle-exchanges were an effective component in HIV prevention.
Meanwhile, 21 such sites exist in New York State, thanks to state, local and private funding. One of them is mine, Citiwide Harm Reduction in the South Bronx. Serving primarily homeless or unstably housed drug users, we've played a major role in bringing HIV rates in our area among drug users from 54 percent in 1995, the year we were founded, to four percent today. But we don't just provide clean needles. Here, you'll find everything from an all-day, every-day safe space with three hot meals, laundry and showers to testing and counseling services, on-site primary health care and a pharmacy, linkage to permanent housing and drug treatment and even a Friday-night drum circle where we all unwind.

Source: Here

Cassidy Promotes Safe Sex In The Worst Way Imaginable On “Condom Style” (Listen & Download)

I'm guessing Cassidy heard about 2 Chainz' plans on dropping a remix to "Gangnam Style" and figured he'd be the first rapper to remake the one song in the world that really shouldn't be touched by any Hip-Hop artist. On his remake of the song, questionably titled "Condom Style," Cassidy kicks the song off with a PSA before the beat for "Gangnam Style" kicks in and things get real awkward real quick.

Throughout the song Cass touches on the various instances in which he met women who obviously weren't down with condom style. On one hand it seems like you kind of have to give Cassidy his props for rapping about safe sex, but on the second hand the song is so bad that it almost negates the positive message. Also, "her a** was fat as Oprah's" might just go down as one of the most cringe-worthy lines in Hip-Hop.

And with the release of "Condom Style" it looks like the possibilities of a rap battle between Meek Mill and Cassidy have vanished into thin air.

Source: Here

Monday, December 17, 2012

4 Tips to Help Enjoy Sex More when you’re married

Couples who’ve been together for a few years may notice drastic changes happening the longer they stay together. It’s common to hear old couples say that their sex life isn’t as exciting as it was before. They become bored with the same routine and look for something else. Sometime, they just totally skip the sex and just go to sleep.
But just because you’ve been together for some time now doesn’t mean that your sex life has to become boring. Here are a few ways to help spark some heat between you and your partner.

1. Use a different type of condom

If you’re using condoms as a contraceptive, then try different brands, flavors, textures and even materials. Different condoms offer different sensations, so pick and choose from the hundreds available in the market. A popular condom is the organic condom, which is made from natural sheep intestine. This condom moves together with the skin so it feels like you’re not wearing anything at all.

2. Talk about your fantasies

You might be surprised at what your partner’s fantasizes about when it comes to sex. They might want you to do role playing, hand cuff them to the bed, dress up and just enjoy. Taking sex too seriously takes out all the excitement in it, so just ride along with your partner’s dream and try it out some time.

3. Surprise each other

Let your partner know you’re thinking about her and that you’re excited to come home later, show up at her work place, set a surprise date, just do something that they’re not expecting. Between work and your kids, you most likely don’t have time to spend together with your partner. A nice surprise will help you catch up on your romance and have a wonderful night together.

4. Try a different position

The missionary gets boring at times, so try something different. Use your hands, mouth, fingers and explore your partner’s body. Aside from positions, you can also incorporate sex toys during your intimate moments. Play sex games and get creative with your partner. Just be careful when you’re twisting and bending to minimize strains.

Enjoy spending these cherished moments with your partner and always remember to keep it safe. Use contraceptives like pills and organic condoms if you’re not planning to have any more kids and don’t forget to just have fun.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Satisfying, safe sex

THE Senate has voted to retain the phrases “safe and satisfying sex” and “pleasurable sex” in Senate Bill No. 2865, its version of the reproductive health (RH) bill.

But how would our lawmakers make sex safe?

Would they require putting handrails around the bed or perhaps airbags?

Or maybe move the bed away from the wall so the couple won’t bang their heads?

Source: Here

Safe sex

With alarming teen pregnancy statistics in Lenoir County peeking above the state average, Lenoir County Schools administrators decided a safer-sex approach was needed.
safe sex
In 2011, the teen pregnancy rate in the county was 56.7 percent for girls between 15 and 19, compared to a 43.8 percent state average.

Source: Here

Gates Foundation Funds Development of High Tech Condoms

*Editors Note: This is the just latest of many projects that the Gates Foundation has taken on in the realm of “population control”*
Bill Gates
Last Wednesday, researchers from the University of Washington published a paper in PLoS One detailing the design of an innovative condom that uses “electrospinning” to craft the next generation of contraception using customized nano-fibers.

Source: Here

TCNJ student delivers condoms in 5 minutes or less on campus with 'CondAm' startup

EWING ­­— When sign-toting evangelicals staked out The College of New Jersey’s quad this fall, preaching the evils of premarital sex, sophomore Kyle McCabe and his friends donned Batman suits and staged a counterprotest.
The story caused a minor stir on the internet and turned McCabe into something of a campus celebrity.

Source: Here

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Young Teens and Sex – What’s Going On?

PEOPLE Magazine and NBC News recently conducted a survey in New York about young teens and their intimate sex practices and attitudes. This survey resulted in shocking revelations, such as 13-year-old teens revealing what they know about sex and if they have been doing it. The poll was conducted by the Princeton Survey Research Associates International and asked teens 13 to 16 years of age questions about relationships, on sex, sexual behavior ,STDs and safe sex, casual sex partners or “friends with benefits,” and oral sex.
Young Teens and Sex
With these things in mind, it’s no surprise why many parents are now worried about their children and how teens are becoming sexually active even at a young age. Here are some more surprising and enlightening findings about young teens and sex.

How sexually active are they?

In the survey, about 27% (3 out of 10) of teens have tried having sex or are currently sexually active. Most sexual activities these younger teens have done are touching someone else’s genitals, oral sex and vaginal sex. Teens 15 to 16 years old are however, more commonly active compared to 13 to 14 year olds. Peer pressure is also one of the biggest factors of teens becoming sexually active. Many of their friends would say that they have tried having sex so they’d feel insecure or different.

Most young teens actually prefer to wait

The study, however, also shows that the vast majority of young teens would still rather wait to have sex and have not experienced or done any type of sexual behavior. 74% of these teens say that they made the decision of abstaining from sex themselves, while others are afraid of the consequences such as their parent’s reaction, STDs and pregnancy. Other reasons would include not meeting the right partner, lack of opportunities, and religious or moral beliefs.

What now?

Although sex is still a taboo topic, it’s still the responsibility of parents to talk to their kids about sexual health and safe sex. Media and classes about sexual health help, but they may still not be enough to help kids understand what sex is all about and how to best protect themselves when engaging in the act. The alarming rate of sexual activity and pregnancy amongst younger teens should be addressed, starting at home. Parents may not expect their 13 year old to know about sex, let alone be sexually active, but we can never tell in this time and age. Proper guidance is crucial to keep them safe and still enjoy their teen years.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sherlyn Chopra advocates safe sex on World AIDS Day

India’s erotica icon Sherlyn Chopra rocked radio listeners across seven cities of the country with her sex gyan on World’s AIDS Day this week. Speaking exclusively to OYE 104.8 FM she advocated safe sex for the nation, saying “the world needs to mature, even as it grows wild.”
sherlyn chopra
In a two-hour-long exclusive programme with renowned RJ Alok, the sex kitten used intellectual anecdotes and heart-warming shayeris to convey her noble message with her characteristic wicked wit to radio listeners across Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Amritsar, Jodhpur, Patiala and Shimla.

Source: Here

Casual relationship couples likelier to practice safe sex

“Friends with benefits” relationships do have one advantage, as a new study found that no strings couples are more likely to practice safe sex than those in traditional partnerships. An online survey of 376 people, mostly in their mid-20s, revealed at least half the respondents had some
experience of a relationship that could be described as “friends with benefits.”
Both said they had known their partner an average of four years, but those in friends with benefits relationships were more likely to use condoms during oral and vaginal sex compared to those in traditional partnerships.

Source: Here

Eko 2012: 56,000 condoms shared

In 2004, the IOC signed a memorandum of understanding with the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) in Lausanne,Switzerland, agreeing to use its leverage to help combat the dreaded AIDS/HIV.

As part of its commitment to fighting the dreaded disease, the IOC distributes hundreds of thousands of condoms to athletes at the Olympic Games.

Source: Here

Nigeria: Eko 2012 - 56,000 Condoms Shared

In 2004, the IOC signed a memorandum of understanding with the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) in Lausanne,Switzerland, agreeing to use its leverage to help combat the dreaded AIDS/HIV.

As part of its commitment to fighting the dreaded disease, the IOC distributes hundreds of thousands of condoms to athletes at the Olympic Games.

Source: Here

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

When to Talk to your Teen about Sex?

Parents find this as one of the most difficult things to do, mainly because they find it awkward to talk to their kids about the birds and the bees. In fact, some parents just let this go and let their kids figure it out themselves. However, teens should not be left alone when it comes to the topic. They need proper guidance to make sure they stay safe and make decisions that they won’t regret in the future. 

But when is the right time to talk to them about sex and safe sex? After all, you’d want them to understand what you’re trying to explain to them and take it seriously and maturely. Here are some signs that you can check on.

It’s a fact that some teens mature earlier than others. There are a few teenagers who are still at their early teens who act more like they’re already 18 and some, even if they are about to graduate from high school, still act like they’re kids. Try to gauge your teen’s maturity and judge them by how they take and act in certain situations. 

When they open up

It’s easier for parents to talk to their kids about sex if they open up the topic themselves. Some teens actually would rather talk to their parents about sex then to talk to the school nurse or guidance counselor about it. If they would ever open up the topic, then welcome them with open arms and try to answer all their questions. 

If you know that they’re active or aware of it 

There are some parents that would find out about their teen’s sex life. Most of the time because they over hear them talking to their friends about it or they find contraceptives like condoms and pills in their room. Don’t pass judgment on them if you find out that they’re sexually active. Keep in mind that you’re there to guide them and keep them safe and not to ridicule them. 

When they drop hints

Some teens find it difficult to open up to their parents about sex, so they drop hints and ask simple questions that are related to relationships, safe sex and sex in general. Try to read between the lines and understand where your teen is leading the conversation. 

If you’ve ever experienced you kid ask you where babies come from, then this is more or less the same idea, only the topic is about sex. Teens are naturally curious since they’re at the point of their lives that everything changes and that they are already getting ready to step into the adult world. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Study uses Facebook to promote safe sex among teens (Video)

A cheeky internet meme was posted in July that depicted a line of teenage drones with their eyes transfixed to the screens of their smartphones.

“What’s the point of being afraid of the zombie apocalypse,” the heading reads, “when you’re already a zombie yourself?”

Source: Here

Condom County: Porn, Condoms and Liberty in Los Angeles

On November 6th, while most of the world focused on the United States’ presidential election, the citizens of Los Angeles County confronted a slightly more explicit question at the voting booth: should porn performers be required to wear condoms while filming? Nearly fifty-six percent of LA county voters said yes.

Measure B, also known as the Safer Sex in the Adult Film Industry Act amongst proponents, requires porn producers to purchase health permits from the county so that random inspections can be carried out to ensure that performers are wearing condoms. The primary backer of the measure, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, argues that the measure is important for protecting “both performer and public health” from the spread of HIV, particularly in protecting performers from “workplace hazards.”

Source: Here

Hannity: ‘Handful’ of condoms available at NYC bars

On Fox News last night Sean Hannity bemoaned TIME magazine’s inclusion of Sandra Fluke as a potential choice for its “Person of the Year.”

Fluke became a symbol of feminism last year after speaking before Congress members in support of increased availability of contraceptives. Her profile was further raised after conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh called her a “slut.”

Source: Here

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Precautions to take when Evading an HIV Infection

Everyone who is sexually active is at risk of getting HIV or getting someone else infected with HIV. This is why it’s important to know what precautions you should take when engaging in sex.

Educate yourself

Know more about the virus and how it can affect you, your friends, your partner and your family. Most health clinics offer a short seminar to help people become more aware about the illness or they have small booklets and pamphlets about it. These also teach people what they can do to keep safe and avoid an infection.
i am sexually educated
Don’t use any type of intravenous drugs

Prescribed or illegal, intravenous can cause an infection because of the needle or syringed used to administer the drug. Illicit intravenous drugs can also alter the way you think, making you less reasonable and less logical with the decisions you make. You might end up participating in risky situations and sexual behaviors that could get you infected. Just remember, if you really need to use a needle or a syringe, make sure that it’s clean. Avoid any contact with someone else’s blood at all cost. Get tested yearly and get vaccination for both hepatitis A and B.

Don’t abuserecreational drugs or alcohol

Loosing mental control leads to poor decision making and you might end up in a dangerous situation. Many HIV positive patients have said that they were under the influence of alcohol or drugs when they were having unprotected sex, so avoid getting blacked out and just keep it to a minimal.

Practice safe sex or abstinence

The only real way for you to avoid an infection is if you abstain from sex. No contact equals to no infection. However, some people find it difficult to practice abstinence, so better have safe sex. By simply using a condom, you can protect yourself and your partner from an infection and even an unplanned pregnancy. Only have sex with someone you trust, someone whom you know is not infected and is also precautionary about getting infected. Never assume an asymptomatic person to not be infected. AIDS can actually take years to develop and HIV can stay in the human body for a long time without showing any symptoms.

When pregnant, get tested

The virus can also be transmitted through mother and child. If you find out that you got infected and you’re pregnant, then better get the baby check. There are some medications that can help reduce risk of transfer, but constant treatment and testing will be needed.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Condoms, Gloves Provide Lifeline for Malaysian Rubber

Karex Industries Sdn., the world’s biggest condom manufacturer, will expand capacity after selling shares next year, boosting Malaysia’s bid to rejuvenate its rubber industry amid competition from Thailand and Vietnam.
“Demand for condoms is continuously growing,” said Goh Miah Kiat, whose great-grandfather started the company as a grocery store on a Malaysian rubber plantation almost a century ago. “It’s a very good time. With the company going public, additional funds could be raised for it to expand further.”

Source: Here

AIDs awareness: Zimbabwe to launch female condoms

Harare: An AIDS support organisation in Zimbabwe will launch a new and modified female condom after the first one launched in the country was discontinued as it “made a lot of noise during the act”.
Women and AIDS Support Network (WASN) information manager Evince Mugumbate said her organisation will launch the female condom in rural Gokwe, about 300 km west of Harare, to promote higher usage of the product in the fight against HIV.

Source: Here

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Safe Sex without a Condom – Is this Possible?

When we discuss the topic about safe sex, the first thing that comes into people’s minds would be contraceptives, specifically condoms. These thin pieces of rubber can save you from getting infected with a life threatening STD and prevent an unplanned pregnancy. When condoms are used correctly, they are about 100% effective, but there are still some chances that these condoms would fail. Either way, condoms are the best and easiest way to have protected sex.

But can you still enjoy protected sex without having to put on a condom? Bottom line is, wearing a condom is the only way to protect yourself, but there are some sexual activities that you can still do and enjoy without wearing one.
Safe Sex without a Condom

When masturbating, you really don’t need to put on a condom. You just need to make sure that your hands are clean before you start. There has been some research on the benefits of masturbation, mainly on how it can minimize stress and even boost up your confidence.

Non-vaginal or anal sex

Some people let their partners pleasure them with just their hands or mouth and avoid vaginal sex when they don’t have condoms. However, oral sex is not 100% safe sex and it can still get you infected with an STD, especially if the virus or parasite can be transferred from skin to skin contact such as genital wards or crabs. A good way to prevent infection during oral sex would be to use plastic.

Sex toys

There are hundreds of types of sex toys that can give your pleasure without using a condom. The toy needs to be kept clean and should not be contaminated with semen, blood vaginal secretion or any form of bodily discharge from other people. If you are sharing a toy with someone else, wash and clean it before using it to avoid infections.

Food sex

Some people find having sexual activities with food as a turn on. This would include food like jam or whipped cream placed on a certain area of the person’s body and is licked or sucked by their partner. As long as the food does not get contaminated or come in contact with bodily discharges, lesions or growths, then there should be no risk of infection.

Phone and cyber sex

There is definitely no way for you to get infected with an STD through these types of sexual acts. Most people just do these for fun or as a form of foreplay and there are hundreds of phone hotlines and websites that offer these services.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Resident Assistants talk with students about sex

The Safe Sex Olympics taught a practical lesson on Tuesday, Oct. 16. The event was hosted by four Resident Assistants, Shauntavia Horlbeck, Jacques Cook, Byron McCanter and Clarissa Chestnut.
safe sex
The purpose of this event was to teach students about the consequences of unprotected sex and the effects of being drunk. The Safe Sex Olympic games included: lube thumb wrestling, pregnant belly relay races, sperm count guessing and experiencing the effects of being drunk with drunk vision goggles.

Source: Here

James Deen on California measure requiring condoms in porn

The adult film industry is in a bit of a pickle after Measure B, requiring performers to wear condoms while filming, passed in Los Angeles County on Tuesday.
James Deen
Many people involved with the porn industry have spoken out against the ordinance, including 26-year-old adult film star James Deen, who stars alongside Lindsay Lohan in Bret Easton Ellis' “The Canyons,” due out in 2013.

Source: Here

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Making Condoms more Enjoyable

Some guys think that it’s a hassle to wear condoms. However, the best way to have safe sex and protect yourself is to actually put on one. If wearing a condom makes sex boring and less enjoyable to your partner, here are a few tips to turn that idea around and make it fun. According to sexologist Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD, making a guy think using a condom is more enjoyable is easy. You just need to make sure you pick out the right condom, make sure he’s comfortable with it and keep the intensity and passion high all throughout the act.
Making Condoms more Enjoyable
Size matters

You have to make sure you’re using the right sized condom. Condoms that are too tight can reduce the sensation, it can easily break and it takes a longer time to put on. Something too big might also easily slop off and it could also hit his ego.

Speed it up

The faster the condom is placed on, the better. He’s less likely going to lose his erection if you put on the condom right after foreplay. Take the rubber out, place a few drops of lubricant in to help increase the sensation and you’re ready to go. Adding lubricant inside the condom helps to add sensation on the head, which is the most sensitive part of the penis.

Use your mouth

You can get creative and turn your partner on by using your mouth to place the condom on. Place the disk between your lips with the tip facing inward and place it on the head of the penis. Push it down with your lips and unroll the whole thing with your hands. This is where flavored condoms come in handy. Some condoms are actually sweet so if the taste of latex grosses you out, use a flavored condom. Also, try to avoid condoms that have spermicide, this might cause irritation on your lips.

Use toys

You can get a vibrating ring at any sex shop. If you can’t find one, go online. Some condoms also have built in vibrating rings but they’re only good for one use and might get a bit expensive. But it’s a nice to get one just to make safe sex more interesting.

Positions help

Try different positions or you could just easily squeeze both your legs together to add pressure. This helps add more sensation since your vaginal wall is contracted.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Teens and Safe Sex – Tips to Make “The Talk” Less Awkward

As a parent, talking to your teenage kid about life can be awkward, especially if it’s going to lead to sex. Having “the talk” is going to be something every parent needs to go through though, and it’s better to actually just sit your teenager down, look them straight in the eye and talk to them about the birds and the bees instead of leaving them to their own devices.

Most parents think that their kids can just learn about this topic through school, sex education classes and their friends, but they may have questions and become too shy to ask them. The reluctance to ask about sex can have disastrous results, as this can lead teenagers to believe in the wrong information and end up doing something that they regret. Parents should be the ones who will explain sex and safe sex to their kids.
Teens and Safe Sex
Below are a few tips to help make it less awkward.

Facts, facts and more facts

Try to show your teen facts about sex and what could happen if they’re not carful. You can find updated information about STDs and STIs on the internet. Read articles about the current infection rates, new illnesses, ways to prevent it and medication. Make sure you use a reliable source.


The fastest and easiest way to just get over the topic is to add humor to it. Although it’s a serious thing and you want to make sure your teen understands what you’re trying to tell them, keep it light. Adding a little humor to the conversation also cuts out the awkwardness in the conversation.

Ask them

Don’t forget to ask them. Ask them if they understand the issue and answer all the questions they have about it. Your teen is going to feel uncomfortable about it at first but they should open up to you about it. Try to be open minded and answer their questions as simple as you can. Ask them what their thoughts are about it and respect their ideas.

Never ask them if they have tried sex

Some questions are just better off left unanswered. Honestly, you don’t want to ask you teen if they’ve had sex before and if they did it with or without a condom. Just go straight to the point and talk about sex, safe sex and even abstinence if you want to point out that you rather have them abstain. But don’t force your beliefs on them. It’s always better to let them make their own decisions and you’ll be there to guide them.

Friday, November 2, 2012

SOLID MARKETING: Tetris 'Perfect Fit' Condoms

This is a One brand Perfect Fit condom marketed to dudes with long rectangular dingalings. I think. I don't know, it has Tetris on the packaging. On my package? A bunch of cotton-balls I glued there because it's dressing up as a rabbit tonight. I'm going to be a magician. Just a heads up though: if you see me out, you probably don't want to ask me to perform any tricks. I only know one, and SPOILER: it involves pulling a rabbit out of a zipper hole. So yeah, Tetris condoms. I need one shaped like an L piece.
tetris condom
Thanks to cancan, who correctly guessed my peen is like a single Tetris block in an empty playfield.

Source: Here

Measure B: Condoms In Porn On The Ballot

In an only-in-L.A. moment, Los Angeles County voters will decide on Election Day if adult-film actors should wear condoms while shooting pornographic scenes.

Known as the Safer Sex Initiative, Measure B would not only mandate the use of condoms in porn films but require the Los Angeles Department of Public Health to lead inspections and enforcement efforts.

Source: Here

Porn Stars May Soon Have To Wear Condoms. Will You Still Watch?

Porn stars James Deen and Jessica Drake are filming a sex scene. But this is no ordinary porn shoot—it is set in the dystopian near-future where Los Angeles county voters have approved a government measure forcing pornographers to protect against the transmission of blood-borne pathogens. As Deen and Drake get it on, a surgical-masked health inspector stands on the sidelines monitoring the activity. The director is swathed in a Hazmat suit. Drake dons a protective mask and latex gloves; Deen straps on goggles and unearths a purple latex sheet. He prepares to go down on her. “Oh my god! Stop the scene,” Drake cries out. “He’s choking on my dental dam!”
Jessica Drake knows what safe sex really looks like on a porn set: She’s a director and contract performer for Wicked Pictures, the only mainstream porn production company that requires condoms on set for anal and vaginal intercourse. (I once watched Drake enforce this rule while directing a soft-core scene in her home; the performer opted to tuck his penis between his legs instead of donning a condom for insertion.) The text of Measure B—the condom initiative on L.A. county ballots this November—would enforce a regime similar to Wicked’s. Drake told me that she appreciates Wicked’s rule, but she doesn’t think it should be imposed on everyone, which is why she co-starred in the anti-B ad. Still, if Measure B is adopted as law, porn producers would have to take a blood-borne-pathogen training course, post a sign on set, and enforce condom use for anal and vaginal sex. No masks, no goggles, no dams.

Source: Here

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Vegan Condoms – A Shift to Animal Friendly Sexual Health

Most vegans don’t even know about this, but condoms actually in them, a tiny amount of animal byproduct used in their manufacturing.

For ethical vegans, who shun the use and consumption of any animal byproduct, this could pose a problem.

Fortunately, you now can purchase vegan condoms, which are specifically designed to be animal friendly. They more or less look, feel and cost like regular latex condoms, but don’t contain the milk protein found commonly in latex condoms.
vegan condoms
Guilt-free Sex

It’s no secret that there has been an alarming rise of people being infected with STIs and STDs in the past years. A lack of education and awareness has always been one of the reasons why people end up infecting themselves and others, with teens and young adults being the most affected by these illnesses—some of which are incurable.

 Along with the rise of STD infections, there has also been a sharp rise in the rate of teen pregnancies in the last couple of years. Safe sex should be practiced, but when safe sex makes you use items that are against you believe and principles, then you might want to think twice about what you buy at the drug store.

Which is Which?

Hundreds of condom makers out there say their products are 100% vegan friendly, but you shouldn’t be fooled with false marketing and packaging. Check if the condoms are actually free from the milk protein by reading the fine print on the packaging or contact your local vegan community or PETA and ask for a list of real, vegan condom manufacturers. You can also read online forums and sources about common vegan condoms and brands that are being trusted by most people.

Where to Get them?

Go online. The internet offers hundreds of brands and online shops that have vegan condoms for sale. You can even get a discount if you buy them in bulk. You can also try going to specialty stores around your area that offer vegan friendly items. These days, some of the common brands can actually be bought in drug stores and pharmacies so these vegan friendly condoms are becoming more and more available in the market. They usually are priced the same as common latex condoms but price varies from one brand to another.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Malaysia and Safe Sex

Durex the condom maker says they’re doing just fine

As a conservative Islamic society, Malaysia frets over teenage sex and the spate of unplanned babies left on doorsteps by unwed young mothers.
But according to a survey by Durex, the condom maker, the nation lags far behind in the youthful sex stakes. Indeed, the median age of first sexual experience is at 23 the highest of all 37 countries in the survey. At 23.7 years the country’s youth are more than three years behind the lead country in early sex – Brazil at 17.3, Colombia, at 17.4 and New Zealand at 17.5.

Source: Here

Condoms in Porn: One Adult Star Says Yes to Measure B

The porn industry has campaigned against Measure B, the L.A. County ballot initiative that would require performers to use condoms. But porn star Aurora Snow says it’s necessary.
I would prefer to have both condoms and testing in porn. It doesn’t have to be one or the other; it makes sense to have both. This is not what a girl in the industry is supposed to say, but it is what a lot of us think when quietly eyeing Los Angeles County’s ballot initiative—known as Measure B—mandating condoms in adult films.

Source: Here

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Preventing AIDS – Tips to Keep you Safe

The moment you become sexually active, you also become at risk of contracting sexually-transmitted diseases. One of the main reasons why people get sick with these sexually transmitted infections and diseases is because they have little knowledge or are not responsible enough with their own sexual health and safety.

One of the most life-threatening STDs is AIDS, an immune system disorder caused by the HIV virus, which is contracted through the exchange of bodily fluids, especially blood. This illness slowly diminishes a person’s immunity system resulting in death.

Fortunately, there are a few ways to avoid getting infected with the HIV virus when you’re having intercourse. Below are a few examples.
Preventing AIDS
Use a Condom

A condom is probably the simplest way to protect yourself from any form of STD or STI. A condom stops direct contact and the exchange of bodily fluids when having sex. There are many different types of condoms and some condoms, such as organic condoms, actually do not protect you from infections. These condoms are made from natural materials such as sheep intestine and have pores that are big enough to let viruses and bacteria to pass though. These pores however, are small enough to prevent pregnancy.

Avoid Having Multiple Partners

Having multiple partners raises your risk of being infected with a disease like AIDS. The main reason for this is that your partners could also have come contact with someone who’s infected and don’t even realize this or they could be using organic condoms and not the appropriate ones. You have to be aware of your partner’s sexual history to protect yourself. Avoid having sex with someone you just met and barely even know.

Get tested

Being tested for any infections should be done in a regular basis when you’re sexually active. You should also ask your partner to get tested to make sure both of you are safe. Even if you’re treated for an STD and get well, you can still get infected if your partner is sick.

Never Share Needles 

This is one of the most common ways to be infected with HIV without having sex. Sharing needles places you in danger of contaminating your blood with the other person’s blood. All needles, including the ones used for prescribed drugs or illegal drugs, should be used once and properly disposed of after.

These are just a few ways to keep yourself from being infected with STDs like AIDS. Although abstinence from sex is always the best way to protect yourself, it’s not always the most practical solution out there. That said, you have to be responsible of yourself and your partner when having sex and avoid spreading any type of sexually transmitted diseases by being safe.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Practical Tips on Choosing a Condom

Guys and girls, can choose a number of different sizes, lengths, styles, strengths and widths when it comes to condoms. They’re made from:

Latex – This is the most common material out there. They’re great when it comes to preventing STDs and unplanned pregnancies.

Lambskin – Also known as natural or organic condoms, they offer the most natural feel but they don’t give you protection when it comes to STIs and STDs. They have tiny pores that still allow certain viruses and bacteria to pass through.

Polyurethane – These are good to use if you’re allergic to latex. These aren’t as elastic and flexible as latex and a common problem with them is they slip off easily.
Choosing a Condom
Things to watch out for when choosing a condom

The Label

The condom needs to have an approval form the FDA to ensure that it passed strict regulations and that it’s safe to use. Without FDA approval, the condom could still cause STDs and/or unplanned pregnancies. Even novelty condoms, such as the ones that have different flavors, glow-in-the-dark features, and even vegan condoms, have to pass the strict compliance to assure the user’s safety.


Condoms actually have an expiration date. Always check on this before you purchase a pack. If you can’t find one, look for a manufacture date and get the ones that are less than a year old. Newer condoms are less likely to break or tear. Another thing that you need to check on is to make sure that the package does not have any holes or damages on it.


Condoms also come in regular and thick strength. People think that a ticker condom allows more protection, but this isn’t always the case. Thinner condom, however, do provide better sensation. The only thing to worry about condom strength is the FDA approval. Both thin and thick condoms have equal and effective strength.


Get condoms that are already lubricated. Most types of condoms, whether it’s latex or organic condoms, come with lubrication. Some lubricants even contain spermicide which kills the sperm cells the moment they come in contact with the condoms. Lubricated condoms are more comfortable to use but don’t use oil based lubricants on latex condoms since this causes a chemical reaction that damages the condom. Stick with water based gel lubricants which are more common and can be purchased in any pharmacy.


Choose the right size that you’re comfortable with. If it’s too small, you might cause the condom to tear.  But if it’s too big, then it might be uncomfortable and slip off when being used.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Column: The history of the condom

In the fifth grade I learned that, in 12th century Scotland, men wore condoms made of sheep intestine. While this historical tidbit frightened me, it also instilled an important moral.

Condoms, no matter the texture or scent, are better than an unwanted pregnancy or an STD.
But was anyone, besides me, wondering about the other steps in the evolution of male condoms? How did they transform from a literal sausage sheath into the hygienic rubbers that the Love Lab gives out today?

After a harrowing Google image search, I discovered that fashion-forward Egyptian and Roman men often wore tiny loincloths covering the glans of their penises. But get this — those loincloths weren’t only worn for modesty, they also doubled as linen condoms. Poor Cleopatra, I wonder if she knew that sex with Mark Antony would be quite so… uncomfortable.

Source: Here

How Facebook could prevent you from catching an STD

If you worry about spending hours on Facebook, then relax - it could be good for your health.
How Facebook could prevent you from catching an STD
The social networking site may help prevent the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases, a new study suggests.

Researchers from the University of Colorado found that sexual health advice on the site encouraged condom use among teenagers, decreasing the chance of them spreading STDs.

Source: Here

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Choice facts about condoms

Condoms have taken centre stage in the past week as the education and health ministers argue about whether they should be handed out to teenagers.

Choice facts about condoms
If the health minister gets the go-ahead to supply condoms to schools when President Jacob Zuma announces the schools health plan at the end of this week, he might face multiple challenges - including missing condom distribution targets and widespread dissatisfaction with the state's Choice condoms.

Source: Here

Sex infections rise among middle-aged

Teenagers are likely to be better informed about sexual health than middle-aged New Zealanders, who are catching sexually transmitted infections (STIs) at increasingly high rates.

The trend could be linked to a rise in divorce rates, an increase in infidelity or a new age of online dating, experts suggest.
sex infections rise among middle-aged
Ignorance about safe sex and poor condom use among 40 to 50-year-old New Zealanders could also be blamed for the rise in STIs, Christchurch's Sexual Health Clinic physician Heather Young said.

The clinic had recently seen an increase in herpes and genital warts in its middle-aged patients.

Young said 40 to 50-year-olds leaving long-term relationships and re-entering the dating scene with an ignorant perception of safe sex could have sparked the climb in STIs.

Source: Here

Monday, October 8, 2012

Heath Benefits you Get from Sex

Many physical and psychological studies have been done about the benefits of having sex. Your intimate moments might just give you a better and healthier life. But before you go under the covers, remember to have safe sex.

Here are the top 10 health benefits from sex.

Good blood pressure and less stress

Sex has always been a good stress reliever, but it can also positively affect your blood pressure by keeping it on a normal level. A Scottish research took in 22 men and 24 women and kept note of their night time activities.  They were placed in a stressful situation, like doing math without paper or speaking in a crowded room, managed their stress levels and their blood pressure better.
Boosts up immunity

Immunoglobulin A or IgA levels are known to be higher almost people who actively have sex. This antibody can help avoid the common cold and other infections.

Good exercise

You can burn 85 calories when having sex for 30 minutes. This might not sound much, but if you add it up, you can get a good workout while getting intimate with your partner. You not only have to use your body, but your mind as well.

Cardiovascular heath

A 20 year long British study about the correlation between sex and the likeliness of getting a heart attack showed that people who have sex twice or more times a week are less likely to have heart problems.

Better Self Esteem

Having sex makes you feel good about yourself. It lifts up your self-esteem and self-confidence.  Even people would have high self-esteem and belief about themselves would have sex to feel better. Another study has also shown that good sex comes from a good feeling towards yourself.

Deeper Intimacy

When you and your partner have sex, you become closer. Orgasms and sex help raise the level of oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, which causes people to build trust and bond. Having some alone time with your partner is also a good way to get to know each other in a deeper way.


The hormones released during pain are natural painkillers and would even help make the pain disappear completely. So if arthritis pains, PMS symptoms and headaches disappear, you can thank sex.
These are just a few benefits you get with sex. Having fun and practicing safe sex will definitely help you enjoy it more and you become a bit healthier.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Safe sex for the over-40s

IN AN Australian first, Family Planning NSW has launched a safe sex awareness campaign for older Australians, telling over 40s: "Safe sex is an easier conversation to have with your clothes on."

Family Planning medical director Dr Deborah Bateson, said the new campaign aimed to educate people over 40 about the risks of having sex without using a condom and to equip them with the information they need to practice safe sex.

Source: Here

Eco condoms penetrate fairtrade market

Condoms produced by a carbon neutral manufacturer and made from fair trade rubber, have hit UK shelves.

Fairtrade organisation, Fair Squared, have announced the roll-out of the first carbon-friendly, sustainable condoms, following a surge in fairtrade products in the last 18 months.

Source: Here

Prevention and Protection: The True Value of Condoms

On September 27th we marked National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. It's not exactly a celebratory event; however, it is an important one where we acknowledge the bond that exists within the community because of this disease, and that the fight against HIV is far from over. This day, as well as a comment that was posted on my last Huffington Post entry, got me to thinking about HIV and how it has impacted my life as a gay man.

Source: Here

Sunday, September 30, 2012

How to Use a Condom – A Beginner's Guide

Using a condom is one of the best ways to avoid an unwanted pregnancy and keep yourself and your partner safe from getting infected with an STD. However, you have to make sure that you are actually using the condom correctly to avoid complications. You could end up ripping or tearing the condom, so you have to be careful.

Condoms should not only be used during vaginal sex, it should be used in any type of sex if you want to keep things.

Condoms are the most popular method for having safe sex, and y et not everyone knows how to use them properly. Here are a few care and usage tips for condoms
Before Using

Store the condoms inside a dry, cool place that’s not exposed to direct sunlight. Moreover, always check the box or pack’s expiry date.

Before putting on a condom, check if the package is sealed airtight. Tear it with your hands, not with your teeth, and slip it out from the pack. Check for any damages, holes or tears on it. If it looks like it’s discolored, brittle, or damaged, throw it out and don’t use it.

If you’re planning to use lubricant, use it inside and outside the condom. It’s also crucial that you used a water based lubricant since most condoms are made from latex. Oil-based lubricants will only damage and create hole on the condom, so mind what you use.

Putting it on

Pinch the end using one hand and leave a small space for the semen. With the other, roll the whole condom down until it covers the penis. Guide air bubbles to the opening of the condom to get them out. Usually, condoms are packed with lubricants, but you can also add some more to help avoid any excess friction which causes breakage.

Using the condom

Many people ask when the right time to pull out is. Most would say to pull out before orgasm while the erection is still present. This is because if the penis is not erected anymore, there is a possibility that the ejaculation can spill or leak out of the condom. Pulling out earlier is also a good safe sex tip since it helps prevent infections and pregnancies.

After use

Pull the condom from the base to avoid spills, and be sure to dispose of it correctly. Place it back inside the wrapper and throw it inside the garbage can. Don’t flush it down the toilet to avoid clogging.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

UNPROTECTED SEX: S'pore men throw caution to the winds in Batam - study

ABOUT 60 per cent of sex workers in Batam have Singaporean clients, and only one in four of these clients use condoms regularly.
These are some of the key findings in a recent study by migrant welfare group Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (Home) and non-governmental organisations in Batam.

Source: Here

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Behind Closed Doors: Safe is sexy — Use condoms to protect you and your partner

I’ve been dating the same guy for three years now, and we’ve never had sex without a condom. My guy friends always kind of cringe when I say that, and my girlfriends never cease to marvel at my self-control. Yes, I’m on birth control. No, neither of us has an STI. I just really, really, really don’t want to get pregnant.


Source: Here

Monday, September 24, 2012

Tips on how to stop Masturbation Addiction

One of the most misunderstood addictions in the world of psychology is the addiction to masturbation. Many people are addicted to masturbating because of the sensation of the orgasm. However, once they’re finished, they begin to feel bad and feel guilty about what they did—it’s a cycle that goes on and on.

Most people who are addicted to masturbation grew up with strict parents or rigid environments, turning to masturbation as an escape. Although many medical and mental health professionals say that masturbation is normal, getting disrupted from daily activities by the thought of not being able to masturbate is already a mental issue.
Masturbation Addiction
Here are a few ways to help stop masturbation addiction.

Talk to a therapist

There might be a need to set up an appointment with a therapist to stop the addiction. The therapist can help go into what could have caused the addiction to start by diving down to the person’s past. They can also help keep the person focused on the goal and stop masturbating. A sex therapist is the best therapist to contact to help with this situation.

If you have a partner, have a healthy sex life

Some people, even if they already have partners, still prefer to masturbate due to their addiction. They feel awkward when having sex with their partners and feel more comfortable if they masturbate. Instead of masturbating, have a healthy sex life.  Use a condom and have safe sex to be responsible and protect each other from being infected with STDs.

When feeling the heat, do something else

The feeling of wanting to masturbate comes from a physical need. This means using mental strategies isn’t going to be enough. There needs to be some kind physical outlet to occupy the physical and the emotional drive to masturbate. A common outlet would be sports, work, and hobbies. Once the person’s attention is shift from masturbation to something else, they should think about it less and less.

Avoid pornography

Pornography is a trigger for most to masturbate. Porn is also addicting, and most people who are addicted to masturbation are also addicted to porn. Whether it's T.V, internet pornography, movies, mental images, or strip clubs that you keep thinking of, these issues to be addressed before the masturbation addiction can stop. Avoidance is the only way to get rid of the urge to watch porn.

Join an addiction help group

Many people find it impossible and embarrassing to do this because of their addiction, but having a support group helps. A support group also helps by conditioning a person’s mindset to focus on a healthier outlook in life, providing education on safe sex, and giving the addict a sense of belongingness.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Condoms "most important" prevention tool - NZAF

Commitment to condom use will remain by far the most important tool in the fight against the spread of HIV amongst New Zealand men who have sex with men, according to the NZ AIDS Foundation.

Source: Here

Condom Nation Rolling, Promoting Safe Sex

Winston-Salem, NC-- It's not everyday you see people roll up in an 18 wheeler to hand out condoms...but that was the case Thursday.

A free condom giveaway sponsored by AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) was in the Triad. The 'Condom Nation' 18-wheel semi truck is on a 40-city, 25-state free condom tour, advocating and handing out free condoms. They are also offering free HIV testing to anyone who wants to get one.

Source: Here

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

East Africa: UNFPA Calls for Increase in Condom Supply

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has indicated that use and access to condoms by the youth, especially those between ages 15 to 24 in Rwanda, was low.

According to UNAIDS survey of 2010 indicated that 56 per cent of new HIV infection were from sex workers mainly due to lack of access to preventive tools like condoms.

Cheikh Fall, Officer in Charge, UNFPA Rwanda, said according to the Demographic Health Survey 2010, 79 per cent of women and 66 per cent of men know that the risk of getting HIV can be reduced by using condoms and limiting sex to one uninfected partner.

Source: Here

Monday, September 17, 2012

Condom Use Can Reverse HIV/AIDS – Report

Recently, the Kaduna State Media Corporation in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Kaduna State Agency for the Control of AIDS (KASACA), had an awareness meeting to   deliberate on the current HIV situation in the state. It involved among others, how the state has fared and what needs to be done to reverse the trend. WINIFRED OGBEBO who was there, reports.
In 2008, a study conducted by the National AIDS Reproductive Health Survey (NARHS), put the HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in Kaduna State at 7 per cent, and in 2011, another study put the prevalence rate at 5.1 per cent. That means for every 100 people, five are positive.

Source: Here

Saturday, September 15, 2012

From condoms to roses: Golden Key members encourage safe sex

From left: Vontessa Kendall, senior middle grades education major; Terri Harris, junior communication sciences and disorders major; and Molly Seal, Health center graduate assistant work to create condom roses in a effort to encourage safe sex.

Source: Here

And Eco-Friendly Approach Sexual Health and Fertility

These days, people are busy making sure that they clean up their act and minimize their carbon footprints, the better to be less impactful on the environment. There are tremendous benefits to be gained by ensuring every aspect of our lives has a clean and green touch to it, even if it’s something as odd as intimate heath and family planning.

Many of us wouldn’t have second thoughts on getting a hybrid car or get solar panels installed on their roofs to be eco-friendly, but they don’t really look at the little things which could have a big impact. Below are just a few simple and cost effective ways to go green when it comes to your reproductive health.

Go Green with your Monthly Period

Statistics show that over 12 billion sanitary pads and 13 billion tampons are used annually. Within her lifespan, an average woman uses about 11,000 tampons. These don’t break down easily and it will take years before it completely biodegrades. And since you really can’t recycle old tampons and sanitary pads, you can only throw them away, which means they automatically go to the landfill.

Instead of getting the regular tampon or sanitary pad, choose chemical-free and organic ones. Since these do not contain any harsh chemicals, your intimate area will less likely become irritated and they take less time to decompose.

Vegan Love

Choose vegan condoms over regular condoms to add a touch of green to your sex life. Ordinary latex condoms contain a type of protein taken from milk, an animal byproduct—this puts it against the belief of ethical vegans who shun all types of animal-based products.

Vegan condoms are touted as an animal-friendly condom alternative as they are based on plant extracts. Provided its endorsed by a major vegan group, a vegan condom is cruelty-free and animal friendly.

Although they are harder to find in your local pharmacies, you can find vegan condoms online for a reasonable price. Take advantage of the long shelf life of these condoms and buy in bulk to save.

Go Natural

Although using the calendar method is a bit risky, especially if you don’t have a regular period, there are other ways to prevent a pregnancy without using condoms. The best way is use the natural temperature of a woman to know if she is fertile or not. There are also natural birth control pills that are designed to affect the woman’s hormones to prevent unplanned pregnancies.

Use Lubricants Made from Organic Materials

Choose lubricant brands made from 100% natural and organic materials. These don’t contain flavors, dyes, petrochemicals, parabens and other harsh chemicals that could irritate the intimate area.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Condoms unpopular with young adults

A campaign hopes to encourage more young adults to use condoms after a study revealed half did not use them with new sexual partners despite rising rates of sexually transmitted diseases
Source: Here

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Learn From Olympians: Practice Safe Sex Too!

The Olympics are over, and the athletes have returned to their home countries. They left behind moments of glory, moments of disappointment and, apparently, more than 150,000 condom wrappers. That’s the number of contraceptives that were supplied to the London Olympic villagers (up from 100,000 in Beijing).
Drs. Oz & Roizen

This prompts us to point out that safe sex – whether it’s safety from unwanted pregnancy or protection from STDs – is something international athletes seem to take seriously. Safe sex is not an amateur sport; it’s a matter of life and death.

Source: Here

Friday, September 7, 2012

No condoms for almost half of students

BOOZE A FACTOR: Alcohol and sex go hand in hand with many young people, say Victoria University of Wellington students Harry Evans, 20, and Stella Blake-Kelly and Molly McCarthy, both 21.
No condoms for almost half of students

Source: Here

Benefits of Using Natural Products

The use of natural-based products has grown popular over the recent years due to the supposed benefits these products provide. For starters, most of these products are marketed to contain no traces of harsh and harmful synthetic chemicals, which for many, causes irritations and allergic reactions.

With the growing popular of these products, there is now a wide range of organic and natural products available in our local groceries, pharmacies and supermarkets. Everything from naturally grown food, natural skin care products, to even organic condoms.
Organic Condom
Here are some more benefits that natural products have over other products in the market.

Naturally grown food

You can’t go wrong with naturally grown food. Organic food goes through a natural farming or livestock caring process, ensuring that produce and meat aren’t modified genetically. There have been cases of traces of pesticide- and chemical-based fertilizers found inside fruits and vegetables, which may lead to toxic poisoning.

Likewise, livestock that is fed non-organic food may also consume fewer nutrients than naturally fed animals.

Skincare and beauty products

Skin care items made from natural or organic ingredients are gentler to your skin compared to traditional beauty items. These products are typically made from vegetable and fruit extract, with very little to no chemicals mixed with them.

Moreover, no synthetic coloring and harsh smelling perfumes are added to the production of these items. Natural beauty products are also safer for kids—it’s worth pointing out there have been identified cases of children winding up in the hospital after accidentally consuming their mothers’ skincare and beauty products.

Homecare products

Not only can you buy organic and natural home care products at the market, you can also make and use them at home. You can create an effective and instant all-around cleaning product using ingredients that you can find in your own kitchen. It's cheaper and works just as good as the cleaning products you buy at the supermarket. Check the net for online home cleaning remedies and recipes.

Medicine and health care

Man has been using plants to cure illness since the beginning of time. Natural remedies are proven effective and safer since it’s difficult to overdose on them. Likewise, many medicinal and healthcare items are made from animal products. For example, organic condoms are made for sheep or lamb intestines. These are effective contraceptives and feel natural when used, as if you are not wearing a condom at all.

The next time you by something, try going organic. You might just like the effects of natural products and change your whole lifestyle.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Barack Obama, Mitt Romney condoms launched

Condoms inspired by Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have been launched in the US.

Say It With A Condom, a customised condom company in New York, advertises the Romney condom as "great for any position", while the Obama condom has the tagline: "Won't break as easily as his promises."

Source: Here

College Life – Responsibilities Typically Forgotten by Students

Many people say that going to college is when life’s best moments happen. You get to live alone in a new place and meet new people. You also get to create new connections that you might be thankful for in your professional career.

College is fun, but sometimes, college students have too much fun and end up in doing something that they regret. Keep in mind that you have to be responsible for yourself since this is your future you are getting ready for.
Family Planning
Below are a few common responsibilities that college students seem to give less attention to and a few tips on how to keep yourself on the right track.


In college, you have to work with whatever little money you have. It’s a good idea to have a credit card, but be warned, it’s easy to be covered in debt if you don’t know how to manage your credit.

If you are having a hard time living off the money your parents send you, get a part time job. There are hundreds of jobs that you can apply for that will take up little time and can provide you extra cash to spend.

Time Management

It’s easy to lose your sense of time with all the things that you need to do for school and your personal life. You have to learn how to manage your time well so that work and leisure won’t come at you at the same time. Keep a schedule planner or a small notebook with you all the time so that you can just write down what you need to do and remind yourself later about it.

Safe Sex

You will meet many people and even have relationships with a few of them in college since you have more time on your own and have more control on how to spend it. That said, if you make the decision to be sexually active, you have to be responsible enough to protect yourself and your partner. Engaging safe sex practices, such as wearing a condom, can protect you from a host of sexually transmitted diseases, most of which are life threatening.

Moreover, the last thing you want in college is to be a parent and cut your time in school short because of it.


Don’t forget what you are actually going to college for. Always prioritize school and finish your education. Having fun, meeting new people and experiencing new things comes after. Try to spend more time in the library or your room studying then at the frat house partying.

But remember, don’t push yourself too hard; find the time to actually have fun. Enjoy your college days because life after college is a heck of a lot more stressful. You don’t have summers off or spring break anymore so enjoy and learn while you are still there.